Monday, October 3, 2011

Rain, Grain, Pain, Refrain.

We had a little test of rhyming last evening, mostly to see if Youngest understood the principles of rhyming, and then the timing for rhyming. I began with "fork", because it was in my hand. I have to say we had a rocky start; "rail?" Oh my. And "snork? lork?" okay, those rhyme, but trying for actual words. With laughter, the rhyming did improve.
good for Grain.
still a cold Pain.
REFRAIN, please, rain.

The week was full of rain, cold rain. Homecoming week, there was an astonishingly long parade around the townlet of Ashville, followed by a pep rally- blessedly moved inside, then Homecoming football- in the cold rain, and the next night's Homecoming Dance, in the rain, naturally.
My parents were kind enough to come for the weekend, to experience Middlest's volleyball games- mercifully an indoor sport, and attempt to witness Eldest's band performance (not experienced due to weathernasty). Always fun to see them, I wished for better, fairer weather.
The band marches past in the wet.

And truckload upon damp truckload of cheerleaders! The convertibles full of Homecoming and Pumpkin Show Queens either were creeping along, filling with water, or had kicked out their riders, and put up the top.
So, here am I, hoping for sunshine, and warmth, and gladness to be back outdoors!

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