Monday, January 2, 2012

Pictoral Holiday- if'n you're not a grandparent, not too interesting...

Pre-church Christmas Eve Photo Session!
My kids are really good sports about this kind of thing, and I am grateful. I have a few treasured photos from the time in my life when I was still a girl living at home with my parents, getting gussied up for Christmas Eve and having a photo. My favorite is the one of my two sisters and me with our Grandfather, circa 1980. You can never go back, so better record it when it happens.
No Grandfather here this holiday, but we did get pictures of our wonderful children!

I thought this one is informative for those of you who don't see us everyday. I'm the one in the middle. No longer the tallest gal.

Daddy and his daughters. I LOVE this picture!

Momma and son. (He's still shorter than me... tune in next year for an update)

Me and Huz. Prom Picture 2011.
 New Years Day! Since 2002 we have had an open house for our neighbors to mark the start of the New Year. Lots of food and a house full of friends is a nice way to start a year.
Middlest was integral in getting the table done for our annual New Year's Day Neighborhood Open House.
For a centerpiece, she used paperwhites in a glass cylinder, and our "sheep trees", these are cones covered in wool from our sheep. I love them. She added a pair of crystal birds that were my Grandmother's, and tucked a little white tin church under the trees.

Our Christmas Tree becomes the Resolution Tree. You write your resolution on a card and place it on the tree. They come back each year, and the tree has hundreds of cards on it now.

From the youngest...

To the eldest.

I neither prompted this picture, nor shot the photo. It warms my heart that these three chose to inhabit same-space voluntarily!


  1. I do believe the last picture is my favorite, as it looks like eldest knows how to "wrangle" youngest!
