Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Bad Patience

I'm here to tell you, lightning can strike twice.
But, I will not really explain that, just to say that 3 1/2 weeks after my flight from Oslo ended with a wall, I thought maybe it was time to blog about it. But I am uncomfortable doing so, and I wondered why? So, upon thinking hard thoughts, like Pooh Bear, tapping my head, and concentrating very hard, I realized; because it feels like it is not my story to tell. That confused me too, because then, who's story is it? It doesn't feel like mine, because I don't remember it, atall, atall. So, I can only relate what I've heard. That's gossiping about myself. And Oslo isn't talking. So, I must leave it to the ladies who helped me that evening, and my Huz who was an excellent nurse, and my children who looked doubtfully my way and still have to help me with my bra in the mornings. But, no longer my hair, because I have figured out how to braid it and put it up by myself.
What I can talk about it that simply put: I am a Bad Patience. This means I'm a good patient, I smile, complain very little, try pretty hard, mostly do what I'm told. But I've no patience for it. The first week was easier because all of it was terribly fuzzy. I did amuse myself by reading a book of which I've no idea what I read. If I stopped and put it down to do something else ( such as roll on my side which was precarious because on my left side, if I canted forward the shoulder rolls open and hurts and lying on my right side means lying on a broken scapula and a separated shoulder. Also unpleasant...) I would completely forget not only where I was in the story, but what the story was about and the characters. At first, I just started the book over again, but soon realized that was fruitless. So, I could apologize to the author of the book for thinking it made no sense whatsoever, but I can't recall the name of the book or the author, so I guess it's equally moot. I spoke with folks that week, and don't remember a moment of it, so if we chatted and I made no sense...well, now you know I made no sense because if I stopped to take a breath I couldn't remember what we were speaking of, or to whom I was speaking. Okay, by me because once I hung up the phone, I didn't remember I was on it in the first place. I went back to the orthopedist last week, and he greeted me like we'd seen each other two weeks ago. Crazy guy. He also showed me my films (x-rays) 2 weeks post flight. I wish I hadn't seen them. This is because now that I know what it looks like, I wonder how it ever worked anyway.

This is my excellent rendering of a normal shoulder and my shoulder. I have to point out that the collarbone is a wreck, but it isn't all from this one incident. The collarbone has been to the rodeo before (several times).

I have been cleared to drive, and work, and have been doing so, mostly left handed, but I am putting my right arm into motion more everyday. Sometimes too much, and have to silently lament my enthusiasm. At work, I have found that abdominal palpation on small dogs and cats is mostly doable, but big dogs? Not happening. I'm still good at talking (no surprise, eh?) but anal glands...well, decent at emptying the left, hopeless at doing the right. Which makes me useless for that particular glamorous pursuit. I'm competent at vaccinating, but not so at phlebotomy (the gathering of the blood). I can't open "childsafe" caps worth a darn, but I'm back to being able to type (exhibit "A" at present).
 Today I drove the truck and trailer to the Pony Club lesson for Middlest, about 1.5 hrs each way, and that went fairly well, except for backing the rig into a space, which required me to move my right arm behind the passenger seat and turn to the right to back. Believe me, I tried it five times without doing so, but gave up and went with the routine way. It made my teeth chatter and I felt like I was going to throw up, but I backed that sucker into the sweet spot.
  Okay, as for the lightning, this time is struck my friend. And, that somehow is much, much worse.  Get well, Christie. Soon. And, don't be a Bad Patience.

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