Sunday, January 27, 2013

Resolutions, keeping up with the KT's.

Resolutions. Specifically New Years ones, in this case, are tolerated by many, loved by few and kept by???
Each New Year's Day , for more than a dozen years, we have held an open house for friends and neighbors. I do love this tradition, but as I believed I mentioned here a month or so ago, I wanted to shake things up a bit, and change the routine, so no open house for the first day of 2013. At this party, we have the tree still up, with just lights on it, and we get folks to write their resolutions on a card and hang it on the tree. The resolutions go up year after year, there are hundreds of them on the tree at this point, and should you so desire, you can hunt for past resolutions on the tree, and see how you have fared in the "keeping them" group. - the KT's. Many of the same ones appear year after year, the most stubborn of resolutioners-not KT's.
I find that resolutions that centre around weight loss and quitting smoking are doomed to failure. I had my fair share of failed resolution years. Mostly they were things like "entertain more" and that is just not specific enough to hold true. My dear friend, and neighbor, back when we lived in TBC, Gloria, was an inspired resolutioner, and I learned from her example. She would be specific about the timing of a resolution, for instance, "Write to my Grandparents once a week", or "Go on a date with my Husband every month." I can't actually verify her success in falling into the KT's, but I saw potential in the concept. My most successful, and fun trip into the KT's department was when I resolved to cross one thing of my "to do" list every month. I blogged about this process, and it truly was rewarding. I started with completing a quilt, went on to spinning wool and knitting with it, built fencing and a front gate, painted and redecorated our living room and reorganized closets- plus about 7 other things. One thing every month. So, this year, I thought to repeat the time-specific resolution. The thing I really wanted to choose also seemed so dry and un-fun, that I decided on two, one because it is time and the other because it is a pleasure. The first is conquering one financial task or financial learning experience each month. Since talking Huz into putting up with me daily, forever, I have not been integral to all financial dealings. He has taken over the bill-paying...and put it on the computer which is already outside my comfort zone. And I want to learn more about the words that make my head spin, like "investment"- yikes- or numbers like "401K" or "592 plan" - (is that moaning sound out loud?) Still, I attacked it this month, learning how to do "online bill-pay, and meeting with a financial advisor with the bank, who is paid to be tolerant.
Not being overly excited with this resolution, despite it's necessity and sensible nature, I chose another one for me. I decided to get out paints and paint something at least once a month. In January, I have painted twice. The first was a card for a neighbor who is so generous with time and talent. I will find an envelope big enough and take it up the hill. The other painting is of my friend Kara's baby girl. I chose her, not just because she is the most adorable of children (not borne by me), but also because I wanted to work on a face. See, I'm acceptable at faces if I only do one side. I am passable at the left side of a face, but it falls all apart when I attempt the right. So, practice seems to be the next step, as talent has certainly failed. And, if I have to paint a face, pick an irresistible one!

So, I tried to paint both sides of her face, and as you can see, I've given her right eye glaucoma and her right cheek the mumps.
If I only paint the left, I get more encouraged.....
As this appears as a non-diseased human, and hints at the child's true charm.  
I suppose I still have 11 more months to figure it out.

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