Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ai-ai-ai-ai (Bugs Bunny sound as shakes head)

Two weeks come and gone. I'm not sure one could pack more into two weeks.
We just, and I mean just (after I began the second sentence) got power back, after several days without. Huz had hooked the computer up to the borrowed generator giving me a chance to check my email and attempt an update.
Last night I hauled water from the rain barrel to the tub and heated up a pot of rainwater on the stove, and had a mini-bath- leaf bits and all. It still was pretty excellent. We also had a small rainshower earlier in the day and Eldest and I stood under the pour off of the horse trailer for showers. I was in particular need, as in moving horse equipment from truck to yard to tractor shed I got manure smeared. Lovely.
I was moving horse equipment in order to get the truck ready to go pick up hay- we are out, and the pastures are drought starved and useless. The truck was full of stuff because Middlest and I had just returned from 5 days at Pony Club- camping and she having twice daily instruction from Olympic Eventer Mimi Combs. This began in Dayton the day after moving out of The Fair. If you add this up, you can see the added indignity of finally being home, (sleep in my own bed! luxuriate in my bathtub! Brush my teeth with running water! Flush toilets!) and losing power in the wicked storm. A storm, which happened just prior to my preparations to take Huz' arm at the OSU Veterinary Resident Recognition Banquet. An annual event which usually requires clean hair and shaved legs.
So, with the advent of electricity- thank you oil lamp for lighting our family Quirkle tournament on the front patio last night- I will go finish my preparations for the banquet that was two nights ago.
And, get ready for photos! I will upload the 800 some photos onto the computer and start selecting the ones to share.

To tide you over, a handsome pirate lad in a red cape and underwear, riding his trusty farm bike.

And Middlest's triumphant Show Jumping Team at the Tri-State Region Pony Club Show Jumping Rally. (She is third from the left). Also, she would want me to point out that in the Dressage Rally - the following day- the Hunters Run Pony Club teams earned first and second place! But, I, having spent the day Horse Management Judging, was camera-less and did not capture that photo.

And, Eldest and Middlest at the start of The Fair, all smiles as they they team up for the Fun Contest! ( and, no, I don't think Eldest was drooling, but had recently finished bobbing for an apple)