Thursday, January 3, 2013

Picture postcard day at the farm

 It is 8 degrees. Ohio in winter. It is very pretty, but awfully gray! We could, in the spirit of optimism call it "silver", I suppose.
I am trying something new, and that is to not shrink the pictures down in order to load them onto the blog. I don't know if this will effect you, lookers, from seeing them! So, if you can't see the pictures on the blog, please let me know, and I will shrink them again. Over the holidays we got a new connection for my computer, and it is faster. Huz suggested I may not have to go through the process of shrinking the photos first, and he's usually right about these things.

The snow started out as decent sledding snow, and then it got a bit warmer, becoming packing snow. This makes for perfect horse-play snow, and my boys obliged with a snow ball fight.
Youngest goes in for a frosty blow.

Eventually, they tired of throwing snow at one another, and began to make a snowman.

 The finished product, well, Youngest did add stick arms later, but awfully cute, no?

Lastly, my friend Christie's ponies- Orion, a Friesian who will be two in the spring, and Goliath, a little mini stud. Snowy boys.

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