Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Family Photo Project 2015- January

First Snow Day of 2015.
We had several inches fall in the early morning hours, which means our road wasn't touched by plow nor tire until after 10 a.m. School cancelled, work done at home, or not at all. One friend, who lives close to TBC (the big city), gave it a go on the roads, and it took her 1 1/2 hours to go 9 miles. Ugh.
So, snow day!
Perfect opportunity, with all at home to get started on the Family Photo Project 2015.
See, when we went to put a Christmas Card together this December, Eldest and I found that there was a dearth of family photos. We found one from last Christmas, and one "family selfie" taken at the ice cream shop on Middlest's birthday. That was it. All. Total. Totaal. Skupno. Gesamt. Totalt. (For my international readers in the Cowfeathers blogosphere).
So, one of my resolutions for 2015 is to not find myself in the same situation. A goal of a family photo a month. A lofty goal for a family on the move, but I am not afraid.
What I am is pushy.
So, we family photo'ed, despite the fact that Middlest had an allergic reaction this morning, prompting me to dig out some Benedryl-not an easy feat, as we are mostly a pharmacy free family, and have a pitiful selection ( no lie- I dug through the kid's bathroom cabinet and found Benedryl that expired in 1996.) I recalled buying some since then for the horse trailer first aid kit- to deal with bee sting potential, and that was a more recent expiry by 17 years (only about 1.5 years past expiration). Thankfully, it did it's job, ridding Middlest of urticaria on her hands, but also sent her into a lasting and grumpy stupor. We propped her up in the photo, reminiscent of Weekend at Bernie's- for those of us who recall 1989, and told her when to smile. Some days you need to find your inner Andrew McCarthy.

Family Photo Project 2015- January

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