Sunday, May 17, 2015

Family Photo Project 2015-May

This is our one day in May, all together, and shortly, we will be challenged by being separated by the distance that comes with summer college employment for Eldest.

My Sunday, after church, was spent in the garden. We relocated the compost piles in anticipation of the coming building project- the Garden House. We planted the herbs and nasturtiums, the bush beans and a row of lettuces up high in the planting box...the bunnies have found the lettuce in the garden and I'm not likely to get even a leaf. Youngest dug out a rogue mulberry- darn mulberries- that had found a nice place to grow, right up against the house, and we laid a brick pad over top of the mulberry's locale in an attempt to prevent it growing back. HAH! I'm sure it will be sprouting before autumn. I finished putting in the pest-discouraging marigolds around the kitchen garden, and Youngest and I spent another evening digging around in the border beds trying to wrest control of the weeds.
Just as the last bit of sun was still above the horizon, we assembled for the FPP.

 And, because Eldest was there before anyone else to help me with lighting the shot, I got a few pictures of the two of us. And, I'm glad I did. It is good to have pictures of me and my babies.

1 comment:

  1. I remember meeting you and sweet baby Madeleine at a "Newcomers" luncheon - you and I had both landed in Stillwater at the same time. No doubt Madeleine has few memories of Stillwater, but I recall her as the cheerful cherub who well could have been a Hanna Andersson baby model. So sweet to see the college kid!
