Monday, August 17, 2015

Huz has 50.

Grains of salt? Leaves on a tree? Revolutions of a wheel?
Children in your classroom? Hamburgers on your plate? Stalls to clean? Chickens in your bathtub?
Of course it is just a number, so what follows "50" is what counts. Or, when the thing that follows is "years", maybe it is what comes before that counts.  What have you made out of what I'd like to think of as "the first 50 years of your life?" The first 50 are technically difficult. There is growing up, and the fashion decisions of your teen years. There is choosing a career, or three, finding a spouse and a house and raising babies of your own. There are a lot of pitfalls, and opportunities to choose unwisely, suffer arrest, or at least arrested development. Most of us have trudged through all these life moments by the time your DL ( check if it's expired) says you're 50. And if you have gotten there, with few regrets, well done.
Huz is 50 years. And, I sure hope he's pleased. He's made top notch work of the first 50, and this weekend, our PCDC ("Pickaway County Dining Club") met at Cowfeathers to toast the golden boy.

 Even Zac came to the party for a bit, just to say "How do you do?" to the guests, as Youngest wished them to be introduced.

We have great friends in Ohio, and this group are particularly good sports. So when Youngest handed out party hats, they obliged, making it look like the "Pickaway County Dunce Convention" instead.

 But, it is hard to resist the allure of looking like a Medieval Princess.

Or attendees of the Wizards Cocktail Party .

Chief Executive Wizard? 

 Nope. Title is taken. 

This one can be whatever she wants to be! Wizard Princess? 

Of course, Birthday Celebrations have cake!

 And candles, singing and wishes!

 Plus, a group photo.

Thank you, friends!  
And, Happy Birthday to my Huz. 
As my Grandpa used to say- and I still hear his voice in my head-  You've done "good", kid. 


  1. I love this Cate! Beautifully seen through your eyes! Especially love the candlelight photo of You, Tod and Tucker! Timeless keepsake of treasured memories! Be sure you get three hard copies for the children!

  2. The "Pickaway County Dunce Convention" photo is terrific.
    What a wonderful community of friends.
    On the morning of my 50th, I hopped on my bike and started pedaling. My brother Mike called me several hours into my ride to wish me the big 5-0, and I was standing in an alfalfa field, eating pizza that I had stashed in my jersey. I had a mere ten miles to go for my 50-mile, 50-year bike ride. I recall that phone call so well...

    Forever happy days, Tod!
