Monday, February 22, 2016

Congratulations to me on the birth of my Son!

My Father-In-Law is Dutch born, and he shares with us a nice tradition. On the birthday of one of "ours", he sends us all a "Congratulations! On the birth of your _______(son, daughter, niece, nephew, brother, sister, mother, father, grandfather or grandmother) " It is followed by the words of the Dutch birthday song "Lang zal die leve in de gloria- hiep, hiep, hiep, hoera! " Which, I believe, we all sing at each birthday celebration of this family.

This tradition is a reminder of the tangle that makes a family. We are not insular, and each one of us is part of that whole. The birth of a family member should be celebrated, not just for what it means for that person, another year older, wiser, but also what it makes the rest of us. I have become an Aunt eleven times! I have become a daughter- making my parents a mother and a father for the third time- but also a daughter by marriage, making my In Laws- In Laws- again! When I was born, my sisters became sisters of another. The birth of my Huz, 50+ years ago made my future as his wife possible. And the birth of my children has turned me into a mother, then Eldest into a sister of one, then two, Middlest into both a big sister and a little sister and Youngest into a little brother. Their births made 5 people into Aunts and 5 into Uncles- again. And, 4 Grandparents were born at the birth of Eldest, nearly 21 years ago. Since Eldest was born, she has become "cousin" 11 times. Each of us is built, grown and blessed by these moments in history that adds to our identity.

Today we each celebrate the birth of a son, brother, nephew, cousin and grandson. My Youngest was born 15 years ago. The first, and only, Grandson of my parents, and adding to the list of boys for my In Laws. He was the first of my children to be born in such a way that made me understand why some women make it through the experience of birth and call it "a beautiful experience". Up until then, my experience could be summed up by saying "Well, I didn't die." How I got around to number three is a testament to my optimism.

I hesitate to write a blog about my children, as in "who they are." There seems to be a line, uncross-able in their privacy if I write anything too personal. This is why I never use their names in my blog, or social media. I don't mind blogging about what they are doing, and certainly this informs who they are as people. For they do wonderful things!

 So, let me just say, I am very proud about my young man. He is a really amazing person, who has changed us all, and challenged us to be better, more positive, energetic people, Grands, Aunts, Uncles, Parents, Sisters, Cousins- we are all tangled into his group, and should Congratulate ourselves for his blessing.

Lang Zal Die Leve in de Gloria! In de Gloria! In de Gloria! HIEP! HIEP! HIEP! HOERA!!!

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