Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Samantha, from Rescue to Rescued.

I know it has been months since my last blog! I have so much to share. But first off, I thought I'd let everyone know that Samantha is doing very well. The photo above is from June! She looks even better now, and I just haven't even had the time to take a picture. Except for the day she found burrs on a grazing expedition and came home for supper with a forelock that was a ball of burrs. I took a picture of that. Then, I spent 30 minutes patiently combing out burr bits.
She is a happy, happy girl. She calls to me when I walk outside, and follows us around, comes when she is called, and generally seems to be enjoying her new lease on life.
Her health has continued to improve. She had quite a day with the chiropractor last month, and needs another visit soon, as she had a lot of damage in ligaments and muscle from her starvation time, and is still working towards being a well muscled and comfortable horse.
She has gained enough weight that I have tapered her fat supplement and converted her to grass hay, but her coat is glossy and her eyes are bright.
She and I are mostly working on "ground work" still, (meaning I am not riding her, but working with her on the ground) building stamina, trust and having fun. It is time to start riding her, but other than saddling her up a few times and walking around the wind mill, I have not done so. I am spending my time, instead, creating a relationship with Nellie, my new mount. I guess that is a subject for another blog!
So, breaking the seal on getting back to the Cowfeathers Blog....a half glass of wine and a blog? I could do that.
Thank you, all for your support and concern for Samantha. She is a sweetheart.
I realize that her rescue has made difficulties in our community. It might be convenient for us to pretend Sammie was ill, less awkward exchanges between neighbors. But I am proud to hear no pretense that maybe Sam was sick, and that it wasn't the fault of her caregivers that she fell to a deplorable condition. This did not happen quickly, nor by chance.
While I was given the task of trying to save Sammie's life, there are people left with the task of what to do now, how to proceed? I truly appreciate that this is a difficult task. When you attend the same church, work in the same workplace, go to the same school, and know.... how Sam was treated.
My prayers for you to have wisdom, and thank you for your kindnesses. 

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