Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lake Love- Going to Lake Garda, Italy

This is a word full of potential. Also potential for disappointment. Huz and I have lived in some landlocked places (ex. Oklahoma) and the word "Lake" can conjure up visions of cool waters in quiet places, sun sparkles with sailboats in sunset and floating on your back- no sharks.

In the 23 years we have been married, we have periodically sought out "Lake".
For our 5th anniversary, we finally had enough financial security to have a weekend getaway. So, to an Oklahoman lake. It was different then- no Google Images, or TripAdvisor advice, and it was memorable, but not for the cool water or sunset sparkle. We did tour Har-Ber Village, an oddity that only exists in very small towns. And, Tod presented me with a ring- my first ring from him that was not a gold band. I treasure that ring still, and it was just refurbished this summer to glimmer on my ring finger anew.

And in Ohio, I packed the kids in the car on a hot summer day to go to "Lake". Found "Buckeye Lake"- I think. We couldn't see water, just the back side of houses. We did find some good pizza.

Some of my favorite vacations have been meeting up with members of our fun family for some days on a lake, finally getting in some shark-free floating in cool waters with pines dangling on the edges.

But in Italy, we found "LAKE".

Lake Garda is an enormous lake in the  north of Italy nestled into the foothills of the Alps. It is ringed with charming and ancient villages with castles and Renaissance villas and gorgeous vistas everywhere.

We boarded a boat at Sirmione, on the southern center of the lake, and headed out across the water, it's paddles churning port and starboard.

The water was clear and shaded teals. Sirmione stretches out on a peninsula into the lake.

Adventures with Huz!

Villages and villas range up the foothills. This one perched on it's own island, with a formidable cliff and wall at it's back.

This is the boat on which we chugged around this magical lake.

The town of Garda had a picturesque, lovely waterfront. Oh, to stroll to the shore of an evening for an aperitif and some boat watching.

The shore line had many swans. This one was curious about a child piling stones on the shoreline. The child, wisely, backed away and became still until the swan lost interest and moved back into the water.

The shore line had many children, playing and swimming, this group diving. Adults around were possibly observant but not certainly not censorious.

This toddler, sitting in the road, was easily charming passerby with conversation and offerings of grass pulled from the verge. I could see no adult nearby, indeed, no adult even interested in his whereabouts. But, also, no cars or vehicles at all. So, maybe toddlers hang out in the road here?

 Ahhh. A fine place to sit and wait for a boat.

Back on board, lake therapy providing some sparkle of sunset.

Just like Oklahoma...