Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas Decorating Challenge 2019

Turkey Day is done. And, the Christmas season is short this year. So, whilst the house was full, I thought it time for a Challenge!
Our youngest guests were unsure what this would mean, and declined to team up, so it was Eldest, Middlest and Niece Helen that were game.
The rules:

  • Choose an area or room in the house you would like to decorate.
  • 20 minutes max to come up with an inspiration photo. (I have a lot of magazines! Computer allowed)
  • Commence decorating!

Eldest chose an old piece in the living room that sports its original green paint and has a nice surface area.

On it, she paired some of my blue and white pieces with creamy white sheep roving, green balls and bows and a "tree" made of green bound books. The paintings perched on the chair rail behind the credenza are from our collection of stair riser paintings my father painted for the front stairs of my childhood home, Puckihuddle.

Middlest chose the dining room. It is a wonderful winter room, that really shines during the holidays, so I was interested to see what she chose to do! 

  Her inspiration photo was of a wooden trencher filled with gold balls and taper candles. She stayed with silver, gold and white for the room and table setting, pairing an antique tatted cloth with contemporary silver dot dishes on gold chargers.
She had fun with silver and gold on the round corner table, leaving the burlap cloth and then adding candles, mercury glass, silver deer antlers, and my Christmas jumping horse, a wonderful keepsake from a bygone Miami Valley Hunt Ball, reinvented in white.

Helen jumped right in to the smallest room at Cowfeathers! Our tidy little powder room. Last year I redecorated the little bathroom using Swedish wallpaper. She used this as her inspiration, along with a photo of a woodland centerpiece. 
Out she went with my secateurs and returned with bunches of greens. 

She wrote Christmas quotes on my quote boards and added lots of plaid ribbon and woodland accents, including a stair riser painting of the Puckihuddle woods in winter. 

Everyone wins in this Christmas Decorating Challenge! Especially ME, who now has three more beautifully adorned spaces for the holidays !!

1 comment:

  1. Those Hamilton cousins inherited the generational flair! What a fun idea, Cate.
