Sunday, April 15, 2012

At the Prom in a New York Minute

At the risk of both exhausting and annoying you, intrepid reader of Cowfeathers Farm, I have been prompted, via text, to get crackin' with my report of The Day Now Past, Amen.
The Day Now Past (TDNP) lasted all day long.
Middlest was already trundled off to West Virginia for the Pony Club knowledge- fond-of- torture-fest known as Quiz. So, morning barn chores settled on my shoulders, I grabbed Youngest and off we went to the barn, and then packed the rest of the fam into the car, off west to collect one of our 4-H kids and take her and Eldest to their next State 4-H Ambassador training at the University. Less than 50 kids in the state of Ohio are chosen for the honor of Ambassador. Eldest will hold the position for life, but will be an active Ambassador for one year. This position will send her around the state, chatting up donors, being Master of Ceremonies for different 4-H events, speaking about 4-H to groups and being positioned at the Ohio State Fair for activities and award presentations. Yesterday's training was from 8:30 am to 4pm. Sharply dressed teens chatted in groups while waiting for rides to pull up and collect them in the afternoon rain. I spotted Eldest- she tends to tower over the other kids- searching for our car and then dashing out through the puddles in the awkward running-in-heels gait not displayed by female action stars. It was 3:47, and we were thankful for the extra 13 minutes.
It was raining, on Prom Night. Shu-bop-she-wadda-watta-dingie-di-ding-gi-dong (this for my fellow high school classmates that hand jived along with me in our 80's colossal production of Grease.)
Madeleine's date was expecting her at the high school at 5:15.
With a 45 minute drive home in the downpour, and a 20 minute drive to the high school, simple math (almost beyond my abilities at this point), told me we had 23 minutes after driving in the driveway to get Eldest ready for Prom. Since I wanted to take some photos of her at the house before putting her in the rain, I figured 4 minutes for photos left us with 19 minutes to get her coiffed, dressed, a little light makeup and to the car. Good thing she's gorgeous.
But we didn't make it. I misjudged photos- 6 minutes, and we had gotten a quarter mile from the house before remembering her date's boutonniere. The trip back added 4 minutes.
I guess it's not just city-folk who live in a New York Minute.
 Eldest's date was pleased to see us drive up to the front of the school, and came out to the car with an umbrella to collect her, and they exchanged flowers in the rain.

Home again, blessedly, an evening visit from Tary Mike, company and some wine, in preparation for the evening ahead.
At 11:15 pm, a call from Middlest, on their way back from W. Va, could we please collect her at Walgreens?
She  got in our car in triumph. Middlest's first Pony Club competition ending in a blue ribbon! Her team came in first place, handily. The most knowledgable.
TDNP ended waiting for Eldest to be delivered home from the dance. In the dark of the late night (early morning?) her date walked her to the door, still both looking rather dapper, if tired.


  1. Ahh. Beautiful! Wish I could have been there, but then, I think I would have slowed the progress. Thank you for posting SO rapidly! {Hugs} to all.

  2. So Beautiful!!! I love the hair! Oh, and congratulations to Middlest!
