Monday, April 9, 2012

Destination; Charlottesville Virginia

Before there were hogs, there was vacation. To end vacation, I pushed the fam into swinging a bit to the left of Ohio trajectory and landing in Virginia. University of, to be precise. See, Eldest is gettin' up there and it is time to go college looking. What better place to start than UVA in the springtime. Pure collegiate seduction. Although not all family members could be considered enthusiastic about my plan, they at least were persuaded by the enthusiasm of the second part of my plan- seeing their cousins. So, to Charlottesville we went.
And, UVA is just beautiful.
We parked in the parking garage the Internet had guided me to look for, and then stumbled around a bit. Looking lost prompted a student to stop and ask "Can I help you find something?" Ah, Southern Hospitality already (okay, so it was basic politeness, but you get starved for these things after moving out of the South). She directed us to admissions,  where we picked up information and headed towards the "Lawn". This, the Lawn, is the showpiece of UVA. Topped by the rotunda, the Lawn ripples down, wide and crowned by tall trees, lined by 200 year old Greek style temples separated by rooms where the privileged still vie to live, even though they have no potties. That is the true mark of prestige, a room where kids want to live, even though they have to go outside to go potty. Although, if my college memories are accurate, not all college kids are very particular.
We lurked outside the chapel, waiting for the tour (which was full) to finish their orientation and then, when they came outside into the sunshine we joined Marcus Leibowitz, first year student from New Jersey. He wants to be an Orthodontist (jeez, I miss the South, but I miss the Northeast too). Marcus was the tour guide, and after approximately 10 minutes, Eldest whispered "I love it here, I want to go to UVA.". Sometimes I wonder about my underlying motives. Why, when I'd love to have her stay nearby, go to OSU, do I feel compelled to show her what it would be like to spread her wings?

Fam on the Lawn.

Even Middlest enjoyed UVA, and Youngest planted himself right next to Marcus, our tour guide, and between stops on the tour peppered him with questions.
 After leaving the bookstore at UVA, purchasing a shirt for Eldest and a postcard for Middlest, we headed back out to the car, and the dogs- very happy to see us. We drove a bit around, found the new Marching Band building, much to Eldest's delight and saw full tennis courts and tidy, massive sorority houses. Then, over hill and through dale to Aunt E. and Uncle D.'s house!
This was our first visit to this house, and it is adorable. Set in a cozy holler, with a honest to goodness babbling brook running so close to the house, you'd think it wanted to come to dinner.  It is a perfect kind of house in my estimation. It started as one thing and then each generation has added it's own notion of home. It rambles on and disorients you and surprises over and over. And, although my sis pointed out the overall sogginess of living in a holler, spooning with a creek, the gardens are verdant, soothing and beautiful. And, they have a best rock!

Cousins watch Aunt E. in dinner preparation.

My Middlest and E.'s Middlest look pretty much the same from the back. This is the back of their heads, pressed together.

Cousins! A bit murky to figure out who's whose....
I get to claim the  boy.

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