Friday, August 31, 2012

Living forward. And Bourbon Slush.

"I rejoice in what I have and I know that fresh new experiences are always ahead. I greet the new with open arms. I trust life to be wonderful!" ~ Louise Hay
Quote entry from The Cottage House Facebook page.

I've heard a few gentle inquiries lately about my absence here. The truth is, I have lost a precious friend, and I am sad. But, I am someone who tries to live forward, so, I have been pushing on in my own way. I think most folks would say I'm as sunny as usual. The more perceptive ones know it isn't quite true. Perhaps the problem is I am a great believer in not hiding my emotions, so much as not letting them affect the way I treat people. I don't go in for being grumpy, or irritable. To put it another way, if I'm having a bad day, it shouldn't make anyone else have one too.
 So, the perceptive ones say "Are you okay? You don't seem quite like yourself." And, that is fine. I'm not quite like myself. I will be.
Life, for me, is not just about the good. It is about the bad that mixes in with the good and makes everything sweeter. Maybe I can say this because I have had precious little bad, for which I am grateful. And, I try to be thankful for what surrounds me. Beauty, love, wind.  Because there is a small slice of me always waiting for what is coming. I don't want to be taken by surprise. There will be bad in this life that is worse than where I have been. But, sweet, perhaps,  because I can still be there.
So, I live forward.
Yesterday I went to a Doctor's Appointment. It was on my calendar. Ohio Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. That didn't tell me much. Since my attempt to dent the wall in Kathy's indoor arena, I've had a lot of Doctor's Appointments. This appointment was made while my brain was still trying to recover from that shake up.. I don't remember making the appointment. Maybe I didn't at all. My Doctor's office probably made the Appointment, and someone told me about it. In any event it was on my calendar. So, I went. ( When you lose two weeks of memories, there are some mysteries in life). I sat down in the exam room, and the nurse asked me what I was there for. Good question. So, I asked her the same one. It turns out I was there to see the traumatic brain specialist.  Ahhh. Figures. Makes my question look pretty much like I need one of those. The upshot? He thinks my brain is okay. And, he thinks I should continue to wear a helmet. He might also think I need to practice counting change, I had some trouble with the "I give you a nickel, dime and quarter..."
As it turns out, in the same building as this Doctor's Appointment, was my best friend, working. Huz was on duty at the MRI unit. So, he met me in the lobby and gave me a tour of the facility. There are two magnets, a 7T and a 3T currently working. In the 3T magnet was a female St. Bernard with intractable seizures, so they were hunting for a cause for her troubles. Next up? A tortoise shell fat kitty with probable spinal lymphoma. I liked seeing the unit, so now I have an image to go with the tales from Huz.
Back home to Youngest and our project, stopping by at the Chebourg Bakery in Bexley for some gluten-free treats. Delicious. Perhaps my favorite was the Rosemary Corn Cake. But I also indulged in a S'mores bar and a piece of spinach and sundried tomato strata. Carb overload, I know!
The Fam is redoing the outside chicken yard. Last week, Youngest and I began dismantling the yard. It was only 8 years old, but really a mess, with rusted, hole-pocked chicken wire, patched with hardware cloth and baling wire. The boards were sagging, the door was cement blocked in place. It was a star-studded- hill-jack operation. Even the chickens were offended. So, on Saturday and Sunday, the family had a project. We got a lot accomplished, and are 3/4 or more done. We still have the top to finish, and then some finish work on the base and a few amenities. But it is looking much better. Here are some teaser pics from the weekend. I will post the final pictures when the roof is done!
Any project where the whole family can be busy and I get to use my air compressor is a good project.

Bonus when the kids can learn some basic framing techniques.
Giving Youngest a paintbrush and can of paint is dicey. Even in the chicken yard. The boy is creative.
There is much to look forward to. I am horse-looking again. My chicken house is going to be pretty. I have wonderful friends. Justfab is going to send me a wicked pair of boots for the fall. I might get to see my parents for more than 20 minutes this year. Eldest is a grand field commander. Middlest is gaining riding skills in leaps and bounds. Youngest is still my little buddy. Huz still holds my hand. A lot.  Bourbon Slushes are divine after working all day in the sun. For Angie,  I will share the recipe, courtesy of my mother, a thorough, seamless, somewhat mythical hostess:
Bourbon Slush
Mix together:
1 12 oz can of frozen lemonade, unmixed with water
6 oz can of frozen OJ, unmixed
7 c. of water
1 1/2 c. sugar
3 c. bourbon
2c. strong tea
Freeze. Scoop out and serve, a spoon in the glass works well for the delicious crystally bits!

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