Friday, August 10, 2012

"Statefar" a.k.a. The Ohio State Fair!

Once again, we packed up a sheep and headed for TBC(The Big City)  and The Ohio State Fair! This is a biggie in the fair biz. Texas might be bigger, Iowa might be better, but we have not only a butter cow, but a chocolate pig.
I, sadly, had made the decision to not ask for another day(or 5) off so that I could attend all the doin's at The Ohio State Fair! But, this year it was not an untenable decision, as Huz was not in China, but made himself available to be the OAP (Oldest Available Person) to make it all happen. On a Friday morning, Eldest and I left at a rather early hour to get her to The Ohio State Fair!, as she was doing her ambassadorial duty as a Ohio State 4-H Ambassador. This left Middlest and Huz to get the sheep and the sheep accouterments up into Blondie and to TBC- the venue of The Ohio State Fair!
Of course, we are not the only ones showing up in TBC with livestock, so getting in and getting unloaded is an all morning affair. I was able to help Middlest get Finn buffed a bit on the sheep stand(a hour of shaving picking, straw picking and general removal of "VM"-vegetative matter, followed by hand shearing the belly wool, and feminizing her legs, blocking her body and de-fuzzing the wool)before I headed off to work. I was sad to go, as Showmanship was in the evening, and I was going to work like heck to see if I could get back, with little hope. In fact, I was on fire at work, efficient and on time, but, alas, Middlest entered the show arena before my last appointment had arrived. I missed showmanship, but she was brilliant.

Here is the judge sizing up her technique. She was the lone showman showing in "breeding style", and I believe it may not of been the judge's cup o' tea, as she didn't place as high as her superior skills warrant (the unbiased opinion of someone who was not even there....)

The next morning was the Junior Sheep Show. I was at work. Again. But Huz was an excellent OAP, and Middlest had plenty of support while she showed Finn off in the Natural Colored Class. 

 The Ohio State Fair! has a band that marches around continuously, playing and doing a clappy dance move.
The sheep barn at The Ohio State Fair!

The Wiener Truck at The Ohio State Fair!

In the poultry barn, there are many cages of show birds and then, about 800 random geese and ducks. This is one of Middlest's favorite places to hang out at The Ohio State Fair!

The other place of choice is in the cattle barns at the Johnson Land and Cattle Company stalls, where Middlest's friend and teammate, Emma, can be found.

While all the sheep showing is going on, the wool show is also in progress. It is not as lively. Middlest took two fleeces with her this year to The Ohio State Fair!

 Eldest worked as a 4-H State Ambassador for three days straight at The Ohio State Fair! This is her "Super-Ambassador!" pose.
And, in the wool show, Middlest brought in a third place ribbon for Cesar's fleece! YES! Way to go Middlest! (and Cesar...)

Now, you may note there is a lack of mention about Youngest at The Ohio State Fair! That is because he was not there. Nope. The week before The Ohio State Fair!, Eldest and I had driven Youngest to the border of West-bygod-Virginia and Maryland, to hook up with Poppie, who was transporting Youngest back with him to Wing and Wing for a few weeks of Sailing Camp.  Summer Splendor!
Upon arrival on the Eastern shore, Youngest was soon joined by his gen. The cousins arrived en masse to cheer on Cousin Helen, who had decided to enter the junior division in the "Quick Draw" at the St. Michaels Plein Air Festival. Not only did she draw quickly, she sold her work! Wowza! (The artiste is left side, top).

Then the bulk of the cousins sped off once again, to let the campers do their thing. Youngest and Cousin Bea were the intrepid adventurers, spending 8 hours each day sailing about the Chesapeake.

The Miles River Yacht Club Dance was held for the sailors.

 Youngest was given the "Skillful Skipper" award for always being ready to go, helpful to others and generally indefatigable.
Back at Wing and Wing, he was rewarded by crabs entering the traps! Here he is with his early morning crab boil.

Poppie took the sailors out on Pagan, the boat on which Poppie does twice weekly races.

And Yummie didn't do much, she just looked good.
( I had to write that because anyone who knows Youngest knows that is the truth. Youngest never gets up before dawn to check the crab traps, and see if the Yum-Vee will start up for a race around the property, or for a bike ride, or for something to eat, or to put in the kayak for cove exploration, or a swim in the pool, or to find a partner to play insert game here...never. Yummie didn't have to spend her days packing up PBJ's  for the Yacht Club lunches, and as the OAP of the sailing school. She wasn't looked at with hopeful eyes that she would make crab cakes (without onions) with the picked crabs, or for mixing up Kool-Aid, or help in finding water shoes, sunscreen, and "where did I leave my hat?" and "Can I bike to the post office for the mail yet?"  Surely not.)

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