Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas mantles.

Mercury glass candlesticks, frosted grapes, white roses and soft, fragrant Canaan Fir.
Yesterday I promised to share pictures of Cowfeathers as it gets decked out for Christmas!

Middlest and I decorated mantles over the weekend. Three of the 6 in the house. The two upstairs are out of my purview. (One in each of the kid-rooms, I can barely even walk past let alone venture forth. And with the mess, who could tell anything was decorated atall?)
But we had fun with the living room, dining room and kitchen mantles. Still to be done is the study- called "the redroom" even though it hasn't been red for years.

In the kitchen, a room where I spent a lot of time putzing around, I placed a wreath of peacock feathers, because it is pretty and makes me happy. A mixed balsam and pine garland smells wonderful!
And in the dining room, the mantle that gets the stockings, silver reindeer-pulled sleighs are surrounded by colorful balls and striped candy sticks. Youngest hasn't eaten them yet!

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