Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fall has fallen away!

Fall has fallen away, and "The Holiday Season" has begun. This is such a fun, frantic time! Halloween has come and gone, a brief Trick-or-Treat for Youngest- he's 11 and that is still a magical experience. Of course, we have to drive to a place where there are homes that anticipate trick-or-treaters!
 4-H has kicked off for 2013, closing a wonderfully successful 2012 year for our large club.

 And Thanksgiving was again a major feast for 5. Huz created a huge spread, largely with the help of Youngest. My cooking boys! Eldest and I worked most of the day on her college applications and then after the late afternoon meal, Middlest and I went for a ride. Just in our front field, as Thanksgiving in rural Ohio- for many- means shooting stuff that moves.
 My great grandmother would be pleased to know another generation is using her gold rimmed glasses for Thanksgiving fruit cocktail. I remember my grandmother sitting at the counter sectioning grapefruit and oranges in preparation for the big meal (we also had fruti cocktail on Christmas). Now, Youngest- 5 generations later, is making the fruit cocktail and enjoying it before the turkey and trimmings.
 Thanksgiving weekend, we picked out a tree. My Middlest Sister started the tradition when her kids were itty-bitty, to raise their hands to show how big the tree is (and in effect watching the kids grow). My Eldest's hands are getting pretty close to the top of the 8 foot tree!
Our perfect tree being neatly cut off by Huz, assistance by Middlest.

We hunted in the blue spruce section for tree #2. This one is a Germanic looking tree with layers of branches- perfect for lighting candles! Youngest conquered this one.

Then, the spruce went onto a cart- too prickly to pick up! And the soft, 8 foot Canaan Fir was hoisted and walked back, a long way, by Middlest. In Kendra-speak, she "beasted" the tree. Funnily enough, after the trees were put on the shaker by the teen-boy workers, one offered to carry the fir back to the truck while Huz hauled the spruce. The same tree Middlest carried about 5 times further, without putting it down once, had the worker,sweating, grunting and resting about every 20 feet. Poor kid.

So, on to Christmas, with it's trees, parties, decorations and music. Presents to make, wrap and send, cookies and treats to make and eat! I'l start posting pictures so you can all share in Christmas at Cowfeathers!

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