Monday, January 27, 2014

Leather (suitcase) Love.

Yesterday, I mentioned I am into preparations for a "light remodel" of Salem House, the little home we are buying near campus for Eldest and some housemates (still to be found) !
Today, I had the final walk-through. It is going to be really a sweet little home. Now, those who have known me for a LONG time, might be dubious about my optimism, as my love of houses has been known to encompass TOTC (turn of the century- not this century), snake- infested, dirt-floored, partially walled homes. But man, did they have great front porches back then!
I have become more practical. Salem House has contiguous walls, lovely wood floors (well, they will be) and nary a snake have I seen.
Over Thanksgiving Break from Uni, Eldest was home and we did some hunting in local antiques stores and junk shops for finds. Middlest was in on this as well, as she has a great eye- albeit afflicted by a hard time with a decision. Eldest picked up a few things, mostly furniture that can double as storage. This penchant for looking for dual purpose items probably has it's roots in growing up with me as a parent. I did mention in yesterday's blog, 200 year old houses= no closets. So, amongst her purchases that day were three suitcases, all in slightly different shades of leather. Easy to move, easy to stack, or place atop an armoire, they can store stuff and look handsome all at once.
 I'm attracted to many things in decorating, I like touches of black in a room, I like something that shines,sparkles,gleams. But mostly I gravitate to things with natural textures and history. These cases fit both bills, with rich brown patina, Bakelite handles and delightful little compartments and dividers inside. They have been up in the girls' room since the break, but this weekend, Middlest started pushing furniture around again (she is my daughter!) and the suitcases were not fitting into her plan. So, they came downstairs and await transport to their new home.

Here they are in my sunny, warm sunroom. Again, to those that know me well- it is warm! The sun has gotten us up to 65 degrees in here!  The cases are serving as a side table, with a trio of ceramic pears on top, and a lamp from someone's basement ( my Mimi's?) Speaking of natural textures and history, I have two slightly chipped enamel bowls that I use in the garden in the summer, but for this winter they are filled with pine cones and goose eggs. ( I know my Huz and Youngest love me, because they are willing to laboriously blow out goose eggs for my happiness!)  Note the small shades on the window sill behind, next to Irving Gland ( Irving is the name of the philodendron I've had since 1987). Those shades belong on the lamp that is currently having lamp surgery at Slater's. (See blog entry yesterday "Every town needs a Slater's).


  1. Yoo-hoo!
    Is that a functioning wood-burning stove? Inquiring minds...

  2. Yes! And no. It is a Jotul propane stove. All of the attractiveness, none of the mess!
