Monday, August 23, 2010

Coverall Days are the best!

Uninterrupted manual labor. Getting up in the morning and putting on coveralls holds just such a promise. Few things give me contentment like uninterrupted manual labor. Today was a banner day. Nothing to stop me from puttin' on those coveralls. I chose my dress-alls (read: no paint and they actually kinda fit) for the occasion. With all the driving around for kid activities all summer, my coverall days had been sparse! But by 8:15 this morning, me an my dress-alls were loading supplies into Blondie (my truck) to get the day started. Today's task? Dig post holes, plant posts, put up driveway gate, add fence. 4 easy steps. Ah-hem. I screwed up the uninterrupted part of my labors,  with a water and breakfast break at 10 that then segued into a chatting with my Aunt, who gave me the task of hunting down my folks, who were at the Brazeal's, Brazael's, Brasil's Brazils Brazille's Brazelle;'s......ohmigoodness how do you spell their name?? Leading to a nice catch up with my sister, who didn't know and a short, but heartening chat with a friend in Memphis- who did know how to spell the Brazeal's last name, but by then I didn't need it because I'd heard via email from my Dad. Dang. Two hours gone! But, fun to catch up with family and friends. Almost as fun as uninterrupted manual labor- so back to it! I still got the task complete by the time I had to get myself into a car to pick up the middle child. There it is, August's project for my New Year's Resolution 2010. (The resolution was to complete one task each month that had been sitting on my To Do List for several years). I guess it isn't really done, as I have to wait for the wood to dry to paint it, ( a task for the un-dress-alls) and I could fancy things up a bit,  and I have to build a stile for the north end of the fence line-but I'm gonna call it complete anyway!
The newest gate- put up by Cate...

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