Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday Night

Friday night means different things to different folks. There was a time in my life when it meant a night out on the town, with heels and makeup. For about 15 years it has meant working late. But, with my eldest child a passionate member of the marching band, Friday night now means for me what it means for much of the rural midwest- the local high school football team. Now, I went to High School. But, it was Connecticut. It was different. We had a football team, who, I'm sure tried very hard. We had maybe a half-dozen slightly dispirited cheerleaders, and we had an orchestra that played very nice concerts in the auditorium every spring and winter. And, there were football games. I was a football manager my senior year- Amy B. dragged me into that. This was a job where one brought water bottles to frustrated and angry teen aged boys, and tried to keep them from loudly using genetic slurs to indicate the small group of teen aged girls that were supposed to be making them feel victorious. "We are the Falcons, the mighty mighty Falcons..." can really get you annoyed when you're losing by 5 touchdowns. I even received a varsity letter for my efforts.( I hesitate to use the word "earned"). But, in no way did we approach what it means to play high school football in the shadow of Ohio State University. I think similar to playing in Norman, Oklahoma, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, anywhere in Florida, or Texas.....It means spectators, and it means a lot of cheerleaders with spunk and athleticism, and in Ohio, more than most of those other places, it means a big, serious, marching band.
The first game of the season for the marching band is a bit casual, they have not refined the program, and thus march in casual uniform- believe me the hats and capes await.
We drive through cornfields and soybeans turning brown at the top, harvest will be soon. Eventually, a cornfield gives rise to a lowslung brick building with a high-watt football field behind. High School X. Last night, Westfall High, Williamsport. The Mustangs had a bit of big-time in a sky diver landing on the field to get the game started!
Skydiver landing on the 40..
Then, the rest of the fanfare, the teams arrive to bands playing and cheer squads holding up banners for them to run through, then somehow, the game has begun. The Teays Valley Vikings vs. the Westfall Mustangs!

Rah Rah Rah!!!

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As the Golden Sound of the Vikings take the field, you can see an uphill climb ahead for our team in the second half... 27-7. Gulp.

Final Score and well done!27-48?
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Family getting into the comeback!

Having gobs of trouble with my blog tonight, so will leave it all awry, and go have fun smelling the hay drift in the bedroom windows under a waning moon.

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