Monday, September 23, 2013

The Society for Barn Partiers- 8th annual meeting.

Well, as always, we are trying to pack as much living as possible into each day at Cowfeathers Farm. To that end, this weekend's activities have left me with a lot of cleaning to do, tired eyes and a full, happy heart!

It started in a somber way. Friday afternoon Huz and I went to a funeral. The funeral was for the father of one of my favorite people. We are blessed to have a role of supporting friendship. I need to write a blog about funerals. I am new to them, but am amazed with all I learn at each one.
Friday night was spent in the bleachers watching the TVHS Band pull out another awesome game against Logan Elm (there was also decent football involved).
Saturday Huz was on chili duty, (making the 40? lbs of chili involved for The Barn Party), bread baking duty (he made a loaf of pumpernickel, two sourdough French and an oatmeal) then child taxi duties to deliver Middlest to High School to depart for Band Competition north of TBC, and collect Eldest and two friends from College in TBC. I had tea and bonbons while reading romance novels.
Then had my hair and nails done for our evening activity- the annual Barn Party!
It rained in a committed fashion all night and morning, but began to clear up after noon.
 The corn is almost "ready to come off"- that's farmspeak for "time to be harvested".

The hay is stacked (albeit somewhat haphazardly) in the hay mow.

The view is spectacular, and it is time to gather, eat, chat, play and dance!
Eldest recruited two lovely College friends to come help and become initiated into the Society for Barn Partiers. That's a real thing. Google it.

 The animal curious. The sweet little one in yellow got too close to chickens, and was "chastised" by Winston the rooster. He had to go in the bad-poultry pen with Henri the gander.

 It's not a Barn Party until the Zwayer girls arrive!!


 Somebody knows a camera when she sees it!

 The photographer spent too much time dancing and not enough time photographing. Still, she took a small break to capture a few souls.

 Eldest and KZ "take a peek" around Youngest and his dance pardner.

 Dave and Laura show us how it's done and Youngest gives his pardner an extra swing- he's gonna be in demand in a few short years!

 I swear this isn't posed.

Big thanks to Pete Shew and the Backporch Swing Band for another rousing, fun, excellent musical Barn Party!!

And, thank you to the friends and neighbors who made the effort to participate. It is our fortune.

For those of you curious about how the TVHS Band made out at the evening's competition, they were Superior again! Earning another top rating, winning their class, and several overall awards as well, earning a Reserve Grand Champion in tough competition. Whoa. Middlest rolled in before midnight, and then we all headed to bed, with alarms set for pre-dawn and another day of adventure.