Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Me and MY Mom.

In our recent Mother's Day celebration, I enjoyed the many pictures people posted on their Facebook of their moms. I noticed that usually it was a picture of "Me and my Mom", and that most pictures fell into two categories:

  1. Picture of me and my mom when I was a baby.
  2. Picture of me and my mom at my wedding.
And it got me thinking about pictures I have of me and MY Mom.
And there aren't that many, especially ones of JUST me and my Mom.
I could think of one "recent" picture, taken about 3 years ago?  But, then I was stumped.
So, knowing my parents and I were about to have a too rare visit together, I decided that my goal was to get a picture of Me and My Mom.

They arrived, and then, we got busy. So busy that the picture was forgotten and put aside, and then, this morning, as the sun came up and my parents prepared to leave, I got a picture.

Me and My Mom.

 Happy Mother's Day (albeit belated) to Me and My Mom.

And, because I didn't want to miss the opportunity.....

Happy early Father's Day to Me and My Dad!

These two have given me such gifts in my life.  I am a lucky girl.