Sunday, September 13, 2015

Marching Band Season Begins!

The first Marching Band Contest of Middlest's Senior Year! For Huz and I it is season number 7, I believe. The first contest usually means a pretty late summer sunset and evening, but last night it meant gloves, a scarf and a blanket. Fall has arrived in Ohio.
Middlest blows the whistle and begins to march forward. She is easy to spot in glowing white, and followed by a host in blue and gold.

 She then stands atop a large platform, making her quite visible, but after her salute to the judges and the crowd, she turns her back to us for the music parts.
 This year the band is performing "Pictures at an Exhibition" music by Mussorgsky.

The Salute
She starts to conduct and the band begins to move in constant complicated forms all about the field, music rising and falling to great heights,  and who should be found playing right about there- in front of his sister? 

Yep, that's Youngest! Playing in his first band contest. As I write this, I realize it seems like I'm surprised to find him there. Well, I'm not. Band started practicing in earnest in mid-July. 

When the last note finished, the Drum Major turned about to face the large crowd, and her smile said it all- they had played well, marched well, and gotten the season off to a fine beginning.

 Some time later, as the sun had set, the Field Commanders (Drum Majors) had all been called trackside to line up for the awards. This can be really fun, or disappointing, depending on your scores.
Our band delegates, which are led by the Drum Majors, but include student leaders from different band sections all march in perfect formation to the awards ceremony. They are typically the only band that does this, but boy, do they look professional!

 Here, the Drum Majors step out to salute and receive their first award for Best Auxiliary Class A (that would be the best flag-wielding Color Guard.)

But the awards just kept coming! Best Percussion, Best Overall Music, Best Overall General Effect...Best Overall Marching Band! 

 When they finished handing out trophies, there was a haul of 7. Seven of the nine awards given.

But, as rewarding as this pile of trophies may be, the "icing on the cake" is the ratings given by the judges panel. They award bands a "1" "2" or "3". The "1",or "Superior" rating, is earned by only the top scoring bands and receiving a "1"  means you have qualified for Ohio State Marching Band Finals.
At the end of all the trophy awards, they announce what bands have earned a "Superior Rating" and qualified for finals. There was only one band qualifying last night. They worked hard, they deserved it, and I am so very proud!


  1. A musical favorite! Chicks? Cattle? Great Gate? Baba Yaga? All of the above?

    I am still whittling away at the piano score...years...years!

  2. YES! Baba Yaga, Chicks, Great Gate,Gnomish and The Old Castle indeed!
