Friday, July 8, 2011

Prime number Birthday-14

Birthdays are by nature happy things. A celebration of making your first trip around the sun, or, in my case, one more year on this earth. I'm not one of the types who goes in for black balloons, doom and gloom about Birthdays, or, tries to ignore that it has come- and now gone. I am also not likely to claim a younger year. I am NOT 29 any longer, or 39 either, and for this I am proud. Plus, it was a terrific year! Why sweep it under the rug?
So this week was my Birthday. And, it was fun. On my Birthday, I tell everyone "It's my Birthday!" Because, inevitably they then wish you "Happy Birthday!" How fun is that? Since I worked on my Birthday, my clients, and all the wonderful folks I work with also wished me "Happy Birthday!". With all that wishing, how could I go wrong?
Also nifty, Facebook tells you when one of your Facebook Friends is having a Birthday. I am not good at noticing the little thing on the right corner that says "It's ____ _____'s Birthday today", but it is there, and a lot of other people are good at noticing it. 90 people wished me a Happy Birthday on my Facebook page. It was like getting a whole, huge pile of Birthday Cards. I also got a few snail mail cards, and I must admit those are perhaps the most fun, opening them one at a time... including my best childhood pal, who has been my friend for 38 years,  friends from my growing years in Connecticut, and one from a modern day friend too.
Still, you can't help but feel a bit bolstered up by all that positivity. And on Facebook, my wishes came from all stages of my life and from many points on the globe.
I spent my Birthday night with my little family, minus one :-(.... I miss the little bugger! (Camp is good, camp is good, camp is good). I got some gifties, and veggies in a bowl, even gluten free brownies ( oooh, forgot about those, might have to have a mid-morning snack).  I spoke to my in-law parents,  my parents, and my baby boy over the sound of the mower as the sun set. Huz had to get in just a bit more taming of the green.
Last night, out with two other couples for a celebration. I had a fantastic martini- Pear vodka, elderflower liquor and lemon juice with sugar citrus zest around the rim.  Wowza. And, we had a lot of laughs, good ones that make your face hurt and your stomach muscles sore. It is so nice to have friends. I am grateful.
I get to be me only once. My voice yelling "I am here!" will echo a bit and then fade away. It may be an insignificant life and a drop in time, but it is mine to do with it as I will. Figure I should keep trying to do my best for another year.

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