Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cheesy Demo

Youngest is so much fun, and a character. This is a picture of him presenting his science project to our 4-H club for his Demonstration. Each 4-H member does a Demonstration, it is a talk in front of the club about something. His project was titled "Cheese to Please". He had made cheese from 4 milks with different milk fat content, and weighed them and had a taste test to determine if people liked high milk fat content cheeses better than low milk fat content cheeses.
The fun part about this photo, is Youngest himself. Note his efforts in the collar and sweater department, but then add mud covered, too large boots, with indiscriminate pant placement. Plus, I can almost guarantee his zipper is not up.
Then the poster. The "s" in "Please" fell off, but no worries, he's taken a marker and filled that right in. The grass on the bottom of the poster, beneath the cows is also falling off, but he took a few minutes at the beginning of the talk to try to get it to lean up properly on the poster. It didn't work. The clouds on the poster are filled with his materials, methods, graphs, hypotheses, data and conclusion. It's all there, and he is filled with enthusiasm for the clouds contents. He reads one item from the poster, then pauses, smiles and peers around the room at the crowd as if to gage their amazement. Certainly stretches out the process of reading data. I could watch him for hours.
All he needs is a bit of polish, and Youngest will be an accomplished public speaker.

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