Monday, September 17, 2012

Horse Hunters International- The Winner Is....

Choice #1, the youngster barrel racer with a need for a new career!
As still (sort-of) unnamed, he arrived this weekend. He has been nervous since arriving, but now, in day 3 is starting to make himself more at home. Naturally, his first night here he had to find a way to injure himself- not seriously, but still. It meant the second day here he had to endure a scrubbing and treating of his injury, and lemme tell ya, he was a big ol' baby about it. He has started to submit gracefully to my ministratoions now, but it took a while on Sunday. He was never lame, but he was swollen over his laceration, so I have yet to ride him since I signed the check. Ugh. I've hopes for the near future.
The following are pictures taken by my friend and dressage guru, Christie. She is also featured in one of the photos. We went down to ride the guy after I tried out, and fell in love with, Choice #3, Bandit. But, this guy won me over again with his willingness and heart, and we did push him a bit.
Mainly, I included this photo because it showh how big he stands! I am still surprised when I stand next to him, I believe he's taller than Oslo was, though not nearly as large.

He's got a Cadillac Canter, such a lovely balanced gate, and so high in the front.

And, what a beautiful setting. This is at Wes' farm, with hills all around, almost like being back in the Blue Ridge.

I was riding him without spurs, and he was a bit mystified. When Christie got on him, he became more responsive, plus, as Wes says "She's a real good jock!"

Butt shot. The end. (Thanks, Christie....)

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