Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cold tootsies

I did something exceedingly stupid today- and got away with it! I went on a trail ride.
Now, riding, in itself is inherently fraught with potential danger. It is not necessarily wise to say "Self, get on that large, fast, furry beast who may have different plans, and does have the feet." But, that is not what made me exceedingly stupid today. Riding my 1500 pound monster is just regular stupid. And, the trail is not in itself remarkable, aside from the potential problems of riding around in the falling snow, across bridges, muddy creeks and slippery hills. Plus, encountering startled wildlife- which in turn startle the wild one you're relying on to get you back home. In fact, we (I sucked my friend Carly into being exceedingly stupid with me) did our best not to startle any wildlife by being super loud, obnoxious and very, very visible. What we stupidly accomplished was a ride in a Metro Park on an early December morning during hunting season. Now, "no hunting allowed" is much like "no passing" lines on a China road- merely suggestion. So, I wore my orange vest, and we were extremely vocal. We saw nary a soul- save for a pair of deer in a field who we admonished to stay in the park. But, as we returned to the trailer, sure enough, one very loud gunshot, not far enough away sent us scrambling  in the magic, falling snow back to the relative safety of the trailer, and a hasty retreat. Likely, it was someone hunting the periphery of the park- I tell myself. So, stupid? Indeed. Lucky? For sure. Happy I went? Absolutely.

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