Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Santa, oh, Santa.

How is it, with three kids home, a Huz on vacation, I can hear the ticking of our wedding clock on the shelf? What does this mean? Are both girls back in bed, reading? Most likely. But what of Youngest? When I cannot hear him I start worrying- what is he up to this time? He is rapidly running out of Christmas presents. The pocket knife didn't even make it for a full day in his possession. First strike was using the knife to cut open a plastic case, blade cutting to hand. Second strike was using the scissors to cut things that never wanted cutting. Third strike was opening knife while watching a Christmas movie and absentmindedly putting knife in mouth. Since he was warned about the first and second strike, when the third occurred, he just wordlessly handed over the knife. We'll try again in a few years. He had wanted one so badly, took his "pocketknife certification" at Boy Scouts, carried his "pocketknife permit" in his wallet....Santa gave him a chance.
Also repo'ed now are the marshmallow gun, and marshmallows. Unspeakable the things a 9 year old boy can do with a few mini marshmallows and a propellant.
Also no longer his are the "Yard of Licorice" ropes. More than a dozen licorice twists, each a yard long. Santa is delusional.
I should mention, for any other mothers of boys who might be reading, that the moment of hearing the clock are long gone, and the house is once again full of noisy participants.
Youngest is right now "loading" the dishwasher. He tried mashing it with the sport of basketball, much to the dispair of the dishes, and his mother.Also prominent in the favored "dishwasher loading" technique is leaving both top and bottom racks pulled out, then shutting the door. Quickly.  He asked me, earlier this month, when listening to "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas", "Mom, can you not wait for school to start again?" I assured him that no, I love having my children home for Christmas...........Santa might be mistaken.


  1. What's funny is that, w/ 3 brothers, I know this is normal behavior for boys. I remember when brother Bob got his first pocket knife, from the cousins one Christmas - the first thing he did after unwrapping it was to cut himself w/ it.

    And projectiles and weapons? They never outgrow them...
