Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Seeing Sam

Dastardly rainy day, yesterday. The poor Presidents. Don't think anyone 'round here was much for celebrating. No Abe Lincoln parades, or George Washington crossing the Scioto reenactments. Just a bunch of cold rain and dreary sleet. I piled the kidlets in Denty for a trip west. All the way to Dayton. Ohio's sixth largest city and home of Wright-Patterson Air force Base. We saw a lot of rain on the way there and back! Terribly exciting for all. Our destination was the Emerald Valley Stables, current home of Samantha Kay, the yellow horse. Emerald Valley Stables are a finely run and well appointed boarding and training facility with a nice air about it. Some barns feel angry, but not this one. It is clean and full and smells of leather and horses. Sammie lived with me for several years, but last fall I took her to Emerald Valley to be used for Foxhunting and general fun.  I hadn't seen her, except in the hunt field since last fall, and it was nice to get reacquainted. I got to see her take a lesson with Mary, her most frequent rider. Mary is 25 and beautiful, and sweet to her. She also does a nice job of riding Sam and the pair looked terrific. They are planning to take on the Greater Dayton Horse Trials in May. Then, Middlest rode Samantha. At this point, it is time for Mother to become Scarce. Georgia does not countenance instruction from me. When she was done riding Sam ( I observed the ride in the indoor arena by hiding behind the tacking and grooming area) she groomed up and rode another horse at the stables. Both Sam and this horse are for sale, and Middlest is shopping for a new mount that jumps. This new guy we renamed Gryphon. Anyone with an eye for horseflesh could tell you why. He is kind and generous and ride-able. He also has some sort of bone chips in one knee, and as previously mentioned, looks like conformation by committee. I observed the pair from the second story glassed in lounge above the indoor. They seemed to get along fairly well. When she was finished riding Gryphon, I went down and got on him to see what else he had besides and lion heart and eagle knees. He cantered acceptably, and jumped cross rails without fuss. She liked riding Gryphon more than riding Samantha- not surprising, as Sam is more athletic and more complicated. Now, other than a horse with a one time broken leg in Bellefontaine (pronounced Ohio-style as "Bell- fountain") there isn't much else for sale in these here parts that jumps and is in affordable range. So, for now, just waiting!
Today is Youngest's actual Birthday. I'm trying to be forward and not too thoughtful about my baby turning 10. He had a Birthday Doughnut and the Happy Birthday song (sung by me with participation from Tucker, the dog), then off to school. I made rich brownies topped with an even richer ganache this morning and took them to his class for a Birthday treat this afternoon.  One of the children who liked the brownies asked me what kind of frosting I used. I told him I made it. He looked confused. So, I elaborated on the ingredients "I used butter, honey, vanilla, cocoa powder and powdered sugar". this really stumped the little guy. He screwed his face up and said "Humph!". I wonder if he'll ever understand not all frosting comes from a can?
I sure hope!

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