Saturday, February 5, 2011

Slide, slide, slippety-slide

Still no tutorial from Huz, so still no pictures.
But, he did chip my car out of ice so I could go to work this morning.  Whatta guy!
I saw not another soul for the first 15 minutes of my drive. The roads looked terrible, but I didn't seem to slip much, so gained confidence (and speed) as I made the highway. As I turned off the highway and on to the beltway around TBC (The Big City), I was topping 55 miles per hour, folks! When I left the beltway a few miles later, I was going around 22. I counted 6 smash ups in that short space of road, and as each one occurred, the traffic slowed, wisely, then slowed some more. Just after I passed a main exit, there was a six car smasheroo that closed the highway for a while. I had clients running late all morning, and I was thankful they were just late! Oddly, we have more folks not show up for their appointments if it rains. Rain seems much more daunting to the general public than a total ice covering.
Success means making it to work, then home again. I am a success.

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