Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 2, phase 1

I've entered week two of my attempt at balancing the workings of this body. I have done this before, with great success in my health, energy and strength and find that I can tell when it is time to re-balance. Things like 5 day long headaches tell me something is off! So, for many, this will be strange, mumbo-jumbo type stuff. For some of you, with chronic disease, you may find this to be old hat. For some of you, this might just be interesting. My sisters and I seem to all have some chronic disease(s). Some are worse than others, but all point out that the systems are not working to their full potential. For some diseases, medication is vital for life, in some cases, medication is of little help. For instance, if you are allergic to coconut, you don't' take a pill to enable you to eat coconut, you just don't eat coconut. This would be a chronic disease state for which medication would be unhelpful.
In my case, it seems medication does not help either. But controlling my diet, exercise and way I live does indeed help. A LOT. When the normal diet and exercise routine I follow is not enough, I re-balance.
For most people, I think they believe the diet too restrictive, the routine too difficult. But, like most things worthwhile, ease is not the primary objective. After one week, I am already feeling much better, sleeping like a rock, have energy to move mountains, and my senses are telling me what to avoid.
I know my body is already thanking me. My fingers are warm.

The details are numerous and pretty boring. Mostly, I am asked what I can eat. That may be most easily stated as what I cannot eat, as that leaves everything else! Off the list are meat, dairy (all animal products), alcohol, sugar, wheat, anything made with yeast, so no bread, no peanuts. I can eat most all vegetables, fruits and legumes, beans and raw nuts. I start the day (phase 1 and 2) with warm water and lemon. Then, eat fruit every half hour or so until lunchtime. I rebound (on a trampoline) in the morning. Also important are accupressure, relaxing baths and massage (that doesn't sound so bad- eh?) I drink a lot. Cranberry- unsweetened, non pasteurized, fresh juice, other fresh juice and lots of green tea. Water, water, water. There is a mess of herbs and vitamins I swallow, green food supplement, psyllium, pectin, digestive enzymes when I eat. The pile of green food tablets alone feel like a whole meal. It changes a little every phase. I will be done with Phase 1 soon, I think. Then, I move on to my lymphatics. Important little system of highways, the lymphatics are difficult to assess, so often overlooked. People understand when their lungs aren't working well- you can't breathe properly. If your joints hurt, if you're vomiting, if you have to pee every 12 minutes, it is easy to understand that something is off in a system. But what happens if your lymphatics are bungled? Those suckers are everywhere! So, when I've decided my kidneys and digestive system are about as good as they can get (my digestive system needs training wheels), I'll move on to that lymph system. Clean chyle, that's spring cleaning. Right now it's time for some kale juice. 

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