Monday, April 18, 2011

The Circle of Life? Yikes.

I sit here, on a pink velvet chair,  in a satin peignoir, a Maltese on my lap. My nails are perfect ovals, painted sheer pink, my hair, increasingly blond, in soft waves over my shoulders. Subtle, but  precise make up blurring the lines of the decades. Retired starlet. That's me.
Really, I am on a wooden chair, in well-used polar tech, a golden retriever sitting on my feet. My nails are ragged, my hair, increasingly grey, in a partial pony tail. Retired 80's model, that's me.
In one of my past lives, I commuted from Connecticut to NYC, to appear in bits and pieces here and there. Mostly TV commercials, and print ads in newspapers. A few magazines, a soap (WAY before they were all cancelled), a sit com once in a blue moon. I was so not-famous. But, good money for a teenager who had big schooling ambitions.
Then, off to college and on to becoming a DVM.
And, 25 years later, a new commercial. The real star in this one is the Golden Retriever. He suffers through another physical exam by Mom- this time for the camera. Get Tucker a peignoir....

Oh, my. Definitely no Maltese or velvet chair.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a great facility Cate. You need to open one in South France for us. We will supply the velvet chair !
