Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Having a Ball.

Ah, rural life. Three kids, chores to do, half a tank of gas to get much of anywhere. "What are we doing this weekend?" Used to denote "evening". No longer does it mean: where are we going out, and with whom. It now denotes "daytime". It means: fencing, gardening, fixing, ferrying kids to required activities etc. We don't go on many dates. Not even to Lowe's.
Then, there comes a great "date night". The Miami Valley Hunt, Black & White Hunt Ball. I flit along the outer edges of The Hunt. I enjoy the tradition and the group pounding through the woods and the quiet, still moments at "check"( when the hounds are casting about with their noses, searching for a "line", or scent). And the Miami Valley Hunt are a fun group of friends. But, hunting happens on Wednesdays and Saturdays during the season, and between working, activities of three kids and the stinky weather, I just don't get to play as much as I'd like.
They are kind enough to still include me in the hopes that someday I will get my act together and really become a useful sort. This includes an invitation to the Hunt Ball. This is the big shindig at the end of the Hunt Season. The ladies all wear black or white and the gents wear black tie, or "Scarlet, if convenient". Scarlet means the deep red coat worn by staff members of the hunt, the ones who have earned the honor of wearing the scarlet coat. For the ball, the gents in scarlet wear their formal coats, with tails and white tie. They look- magnificent. The ladies, even those who have earned the right to wear the scarlet coat in the hunt field still dress in black or white for the ball. They, too, look magnificent. This group inspires me. I sometimes hear forty-somethings in the "I'm too old" blahs. That gets, well, old. With this group, it's more of an "I'm only in my eighties" mentality. And, there are some at that distinguished age, lookin' good and cutting a rug on the dance floor.
So, my Prince Charming took me to the ball. My Fairy Godmothers helped me get my dress in order (Eldest and Middlest), taking in the straps and helping me sew on hooks for the train (dancing in a train is dangeroux). Off we went to Dayton and the charming old neighborhood of Oakwood for cocktails at one of the Master's houses. Masters are the big kahuna of the hunt. Her house is just delicious. It reminds me of so many British houses, full of things, all fine, and well loved. The art on the walls captures my attention, and the Tudor architecture of the 1920's build is much like the Tudor where I lived in Tewkesbury, England. (With a 17th century build).
The Ball is held at the Dayton Country Club, high on a hill overlooking the city. They had the fireplace going- a fine idea, as spring is not sure it wants to arrive quite yet. We were seated at the table with one of the Masters and her husband, who is a former Huntsman. (The Huntsman is in charge of the hounds= thus truly in charge). They are not only true horsemen, but also Air Force careerists. We had a fine time chatting about horses and Academies. Also at our table were another couple, also Air Force. And a trio that also ride "Top Hand" rounded out our table. "Top Hand" is the exhibition-style riding where you gallop about standing on the backs of two horses. It strikes me as I read this, that there may be a certain "danger-boy" element to those who enjoy The Hunt. Speed and a certain "control as illusion" element. I can testify after the high-flying tumble I took from Oslo yesterday that gravity still works.
We had dinner and wine and enormous fancy cupcakes, lots of toasts, a memory for the hounds lost this year to old age and a birthday presentation of a gorgeous new scarlet coat to the Huntsman.
Then, as the band started up, and several gents departed to the smoking room for a cigar, we made our way to the dance floor. Dancing is fun. Don't do that often anymore either!
We did not take photos, really, because I did not want to carry a vintage satin clutch and a massive digital SLR, so we only have a brief snapshot in front of the Country Club.

But, the picture needy will be appeased as we go to another Ball soon....what was I saying about few dates??

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