Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Break...Part IV; The Final Chapter

To round out a fine trip East, last stop? Family! They say you can't go back again, and that seems to be true, as the place you go back to is not the same place you left. I left Connecticut in 1986,  so, no surprise it has changed. Still, a really beautiful place, the small town of Redding is where my sister is still living with her husband and my two nieces. They have a busy, thriving family, which surely takes some shoehorning to squeeze in time for a visit from Midwesterners, but shoehorn, they did.
We arrived a few minutes before it was time for departing with Youngest Niece for the Wilton Running Club. Youngest and I accompanied Aunt Steph and the reluctant runner. We watched as Youngest Niece warmed up with the rest of the pack of 10-14 year olds then practiced sprinting, becoming an enthused runner. Youngest and I tossed the football around as the sun went below the trees. I can further understand why large woolen capes are not standard football uniform. Then back home for the massive gastronomic pleasure that is a really, really good pizza.
The next day we spent just being together! Where I live in Ohio, many families are surrounded by family. They have grandparents, parents, sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. within driving/walking/spitting distance. This is not so with our families. We are spread thin. Huz' parents and  brother live in the same state. That's the closest we come. Otherwise we are hundreds of miles distant. So, we don't get to "hang out" much. Or anything else. So a day, kind of a normal one, is really special. I wanted to drive through nostalgia, and my sister obliged. We saw our old house, Puckihuddle, which was not quite unrecognizable, the church, the pony club fields, the pond we used to swim the horses in, the quarry, elementary school, middle school, old boyfriend's house, my Little River, several old horse haunts, the Cradle of Methodism, our Caroling route, some of my favorite cemeteries(hey, there isn't much in Redding. Cemeteries are important.) Pretty much drove the kids to distraction with boredom, but fun for me!

 Next we let the three eldest girls decide what they wanted to do...and they chose shopping! Which, thrilled Huz, Youngest Niece and Youngest, I'm sure. So, we hit "the second largest Forever 21 on the East Coast". Which means a ginormous, completely hectic affair the size of  our nearest small town mall. We did not look at all the offerings before all the shoppers were already worn out and ready to quit. This was a relief to Huz, who had been wandering the mall with the Youngests, attempting to induce sugar comas by buying them sweet teas from McDonalds for 3 hours.
We hauled our parcels home to relieve poor Gretyl, waiting for us patiently. Gretyl is nearly two and has a 5 foot verticle leap, plus a completely pliable spine. Gretyl looks like this:

She's Awesome.
The hanging out continued, with my sister whipping up a fine dinner for 9, complete with separate offerings for the Veges (Eldest Niece and me). And as dinner was ending, a visit from Uncle Dev's Mom, Joy and her husband Dennis. Joy is cheery and fun and just like a little Grandma Whirlwind. I enjoy her everytime I get to see her, which, of course, is never often enough. The shoppers put on a little fashion show:
Eldest, Middlest and Eldest Niece in their selected finery.

Audience members, Uncle Dev and me.

The next morning was a school day, so we "helped" the girls get ready for the bus. They leave a good deal later than my girls, and for Eldest Niece there is an impressive beautification ritual in the morning. My girls beautification ritual involves brushing teeth and creating a ponytail. This is Eldest Niece after her morning beautification ritual, between ponytail wearing Eldest, and Middlest. Who, presumably has brushed her teeth.

Youngest niece is not as fashion concerned as her sister. Her fashion sense, according to my sister is "blue". Also anything made to wear while moving fast and kicking/hitting/ throwing a ball. She did, admirably, brush her hair and tolerate the placing of a barrette. Then, obligingly demonstrated her current dining talent; eating an egg in one bite. This is what that looks like:

Ta Da!
This is just what you need to send you off on a 12 hour drive with a jolly feeling! See, with a plan and the required effort anything is possible!

So, we put everything back in it's place in Denty and fired the fearless squeaker up to head west. But first....WAIT ! WE FORGOT TO GET A SISTER'S PICTURE! This is traditionally done, right before departure, to prove we really were together. Usually done without makeup and knowing it will be dark before we get out of the car again.

This is my little big sister.
And, off we go. Mostly to travel through "the wilds" of Pennsylvania. But, just after crossing over the Ohio line, and going into Youngstown, we encountered snow. Lots of snow, wet, huge flakes that collected quickly and caused slow downs and traffic jams. Through Akron and south to Columbus, snow, snow snow. Eventually we made it to the north side of The Big City. And stopped for dinner at Chipotle. As we ate our beans and rich and veggies, I wished for our previous neighbors (from when we lived in TBC) to just stop in for dinner too. It would have made it the perfect spring break! Alas, we finished our meals without providence stopping by.
Home. Tucker was soooooooooooooo glad to see his peeps! Evan had done a fine job of keeping everyone safe, fed and happy. Our own beds were deee-vine.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this! Do you remember how Georgia used to name all the hairdos you would create for her in preschool? Beautiful family~
