Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The 4 am alarm.

Well, my titling February as "Spring" was insulting enough that there has begun a snow fall. It seems earnest enough, but frankly, it really isn't very cold out, and the snow is snow ball perfect... Like a guy showing up for the rodeo with ironed jeans and no Skoal circle. He might look good, but don't let him near a bull.
We still await the advent of lambs. Dolores is truly, truly wide. I had a dream last night that there were six in there. Where, really, is the line between dream and nightmare?
And, I got up at four to answer the distress call of Julia, barking like a seal. This bark means "Helpmehelpmehelpme". And at 4 am can only mean one thing, she's pooped and/or peed in her kennel. Upon climbing down the back stair and opening the door at the bottom, I could smell that poopy "Ye hath arrived at the dog shelter" stank. So, out into the cold went Jules and the bottom of her kennel, me trying to balance the big tray so I didn't spill it down the front of my robe. After a short stint outside, back into her kennel again, with just a rug in the bottom- I am not cleaning kennels at 4 in the morning. So she has had a bath this morning. I still smell the fug of her nighttime. Maybe it's in my nose. In any case, I am once again thankful for my mudroom- to house the malodorous pooch- and the independent heater- which allows me to heat that room to warm enough for wet Jules to be comfortable- and the dog wash in the corner, with its warm water and doggie shampoo- so that I didn't need to take my fetid, hairy friend to my own bathtub. Which, if that had been the only other option, she may have just gotten a wet snow rub down and a spritz of febreeze.
I certainly do hope she'll figure out the whole "when to get the potty thing accomplished" soon. Her mix ups occur less and less frequently, but still do occur. At least she seems distressed by their advent. That should help. And she smells good now, with that clean shine of a newly washed black dog, all at once shadow and light.
This is Julia in September, hanging out next to the outhouse. I do wish she'd use that instead of the inhouse.


  1. Find this guy's link for ~ January 14th. He is funny about his Dorset ewe and her lambing practices:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
