Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A touch of the colic.

I left the bed early this morning after a call from friend, Amy, to say that Samantha Kay wasn't feeling well. It sounded as if Samantha was bit colicky. So, I put a bed-headed Youngest in the car, and we drove over as the sun rose on the frosted world. Sure enough, Sammie was a bit under the weather, so I walked her and groomed her and scrubbed her water bucket, and walked her some more. Eventually, she started tooting, and then about an hour and a half later, she produced manure for me. Good girl. When you have lots of animals, you can be pleased about the smallest things.  So, now, back to do my own barn chores, have some tea, check my email, write to you all, and then back to see how she's doing.
Unfocused, wouldn't you agree? But, seemingly not very painful. There was no belly kicking, or looking back at her barrel, she just wanted to lie down, and not eat. Not eating is a red flag for most horses, but especially my mares! 

Our route up and down the road had us passing the frosty field with Shannon's cows within. They were curious enough to low at us, but not curious enough to bother coming over. On the right side of the photo is Sammie's head.

And, back in the barn, this is Henri. It is "bucket standing season", which coincides with "attack everything that moves and several things that don't season". Now, he doesn't stand on the bucket without tipping it over, spilling the water, making an ice dam in the barn and leaving the ducks without water. That is very important. And, an empty bucket is no substitute. It must be full. See the small blue bucket under his dinosaur paws?

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