Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Youngest's creeping-up-ist Birthday

Although we are all a bit down in the mouth about the loss of Frederick, today has a purposeful reason to perk up. It is Youngest's Birthday! He is 11. And, he is the best little boy I will ever know.
I realize that by all outward appearances I might be seen to be a mite unenthusiastic about the event. The facts are thus:
  • While in TBC yesterday, following a meeting of the Doctors with whom I have the pleasure to work, I decided to venture out into the shops to find items for the Chinese Auction being held by our 4-H Club (the best one ever, March 17, tickets go on sale at 5:30 and the auction begins at 7, email me, or comment for directions...) and also find soft, easy clothing and socks for the Assisted Living home our 4-H Club has adopted in honor of Ohio 4-H Week ( March 4-10..think about joining 4-H!). As I wandered about, eyes scanning for delicious deals, I thought "Perhaps I should think about Birthday presents for the kids. They do have Birthdays coming up, Eldest and Youngest. In fact, soon. Why, what is that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach? Could that be the realization that tomorrow, in fact, is Youngest's Birthday? Why, yes, that's it!" Oh Dear.
  • Birthday presents for Youngest is a bit complicated in fact. I can't hardly think of a thing he wants, except for a Lego game for the Wii. And a pair of Hogs. What makes that complicated is that he is having a struggle with grades this quarter, and things like playing on the Wii are waaaaaay off limits until he gets closer to the front of the alphabet in Social Studies and Language Arts. How can I give him a present and say "But, you aren't allowed to play with it until your grades are passing ones." Or, "Here is your birthday present, two market hogs. Okay, that was lovely, off to the butcher with you, presents."  See? Complicated.
  • The dawning of reality that I was faced with less than 24 hours until my son turns 11 also brought with it the memory of a request from said son; " Can you make me chocolate cupcakes to bring to school with me on my Birthday?" To which I had said "Sure. But that is ages from now, we'll take care of that closer to your Birthday." The morning's conversation now made more, sad, sense.
  • I did, eventually, settle on a present for Youngest. I shall keep it a secret, so that he is the first one to know the surprise. If you live in a 2 mile radius, you will be the second to know his Birthday surprise.
  • Thanks to dear friend and neighbor, Amy, he got the cupcakes- she made them for him when I called her to tell her I'd be whipping by to deworm Peaches ( my horse, at her house) after this and before that. She realized I'd be baking at 10pm and volunteered, making a gorgeous box of chocolate round cakes which I then frosted with chocolate buttercream and topped with a gumdrop (while Youngest looked on, red faced and sobbing about the death of Frederick).
  • When he will actually open the presents for his Birthday remains a mystery. We are on the hamster wheel all afternoon and evening, with pick-ups, drop-offs, meetings, barn chores(minus one lamb which will make chores morose)...we might get to a Birthday Dinner by about 9, if we want it to be a family affair. Since bedtime is 8:30 we'll be all out of sorts.
  • Birthday dinner, itself is in question as afternoon leaves me only short times at home between shuffling kidlets. Fortunately Huz, Hero, has volunteered to help with this afternoon and evening's shuttles. So, I'm working on a lasagna (gluten free and vegetarian, poor kid, because I want to eat it too) and then a cake (not gluten free- can't torture him too much on his Birthday).
Inwardly, I am chuffed to have spent another year in close orbit with my boy. It won't get any better than this.
I will invest a bit more enthusiasm, perhaps, for his party. Fortunately, I don't have to dwell on that yet, it is ages from now.

Recently, these pictures from Youngest's 3rd Birthday were found in a pile of "stuff". We had been at Cowfeathers for about 4 months when he turned 3, and he had a proper Birthday Dinner with visiting Grandparent included! As you can see, chocolate cake with gumdrops has been a longstanding fave.

For his party, we met dear friends of ours in TBC for dinner and a trip to Build-A-Bear. Youngest created "MonkeyShawn" whom he loved instantly.

Nowadays, he likes to leave me these self-portraits on my computer.

My sweet, never still, 11 year old baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. this is happier... thanks. And, BTW, H is a gorgeous specimen! Love him!
