Friday, October 29, 2010


Ghosts, Goblins and things that go BUMP in the night. Okay, well, around here, that is not just a Halloween thing.
Trick or Treat has become less and less important in the family. Poor youngest kid. When we lived in town, and the older ones were younger, the costume and the event was terribly important. My Eldest would think about a costume for weeks- and it was usually a challenge. A flower, Katy-No-Pocket; they involved sewing machines and wire and hot glue. When we moved back out to the country, we would trek back to the big city in costumes less elaborate, but often still obscure; cowboy, Geisha, Clara Barton. After a few years, though, it has fallen off my radar. It was only yesterday at work when someone asked where we Trick or Treat, that I thought "Hmmm, yes, where do we Trick or Treat? When do we Trick or Treat? But, yes, for at least the little guy, I ought to bother." The kids had not asked. In fact, the only mention of costume was my Middlest asked me on Wednesday if I could find her a ball gown for Friday, as she would like to attend the Middle School dance as a Princess. Ball gown? Sigh. But, at 12, probably winding down on the desire to be a Princess. So, I did what any self sufficient gal would do- I called my Huz. See, he is often at a computer. Find out when Trick or Treat takes place. Tonight? Oh. Okay. Then, I buzzed by the second hand teen shop and found a bubble gum pink prom dress, with beading and overlays- unbelievably, already taken in by it's previous owner to perfect size. When the Middlest and Youngest arrived home, they were thrilled to go Pagan (or Princess). Well, the Youngest was stumped about how to dress. Since it has become very cold, I was thinking warm costumes. So, I raided my closet - unbelievably useful for costuming, sadly, (except for pink poufy ball gowns) and turned him into a Viking.  Off we went to the beautiful town of Lancaster. I have a great time looking at the little ones in their costumes, but I really have fun looking at all the wonderful old homes. As the darkness grew, the kids filled their sacks with candy. This, naturally, made Eldest- who was at a band practice- jealous. But... she has had her day.
Halloween? Check. Done with it as far as what is considered "Halloween".

For our actual Halloween weekend, we have the last Friday Night Footband. Saturday, I will work, followed by the Marching Band State Finals!
And Halloween itself,last day of October,  Middlest and I will head out early in the morning to attend The Miami Valley Hunt, Blessing of the Hounds. This begins with a Hunt breakfast, followed by music by the Centerville French Horn Ensemble, actual blessing of each hound by Deacon Joe, and then the Hunt! Doodee doooo!

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