Monday, January 31, 2011

Escaping Gorgons

I just happened upon an article about "Emotional Vampires". From what I gather, this is the vogue term coined to identify the people who make you feel badly when you're around them. I don't necessarily mean the ones I call "Gorgons"- the people who emanate bitterness and strife, from whom waves of unhappiness flow like flood waters in springtime. No, "Emotional Vampires" are people who you might even consider to be friends, until you  come to the realization that being around them is exhausting. Rudeness, negativity, gossipy, and "flying off the handle" seem to be my buttons. When I come to the realization that one of these people is in my life, I start detaching, or if possible, completely cease to have a relationship with them. During Veterinary School I had one such friend. For nearly 2 years, I gave it a go. She was subtle, and I became gradually more aware that when I was with her I felt on edge and dark. When she was not around, I had a sense of relief. This is not a healthy friendship! So, I began to remove myself from activities where I would be with her, stopped making plans with her, continued to be polite when we spoke, but noncommittal. I felt so free when that period was past, it taught me something about standing up for my sense of well-being. I think any girl in grade school, right through high school has to deal with this kind everyday. "Mean Girls". Sadly, I think there are Mean Girls who never grow up, become secure, happy individuals. Then, they mature to "Gorgons". Accomplished in the art of turning anyone silly enough to spend time with them to stone. I met a Gorgon yesterday. I can only shake my head and feel a bit sad for a grown woman who is that bitter, rude and threatened by others. Odysseus feared the Gorgon. Smart man. Perseus had the right idea, he cloaked himself in invisibilty to escape from the Gorgon sisters. This was after he beheaded Medusa, a most feared Gorgon. I wouldn't suggest the beheading bit, although you can figuratively behead the Gorgon by using the more effective technique- avoidance invisibility. If they can't see you, escape unscathed!

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