Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wow! Whadda club.

Our 4-H group is just growing and growing. I believe we can apply for University status at any time now. Possibly even Democratic Republic.
I am not sure if we've just got a tiger by the tail, but without the amazing group of dedicated parents that have bravely thrown their lot in with the Drs. Drost, we would be really sunk! Our group now fills every seat in the school cafeteria. The meetings are smoothly run by our President, Evan, a high school junior, backed up by his executive table of officers. It is such a fine feeling to have all these kids striving for goals, growing and learning, running meetings, speaking in front of this enormous group of parents and peers, running committees and making it all happen right through the County Fair. Today, the older kids turned in Achievement Records- the record of what they've done, learned, given and received over the years they've been in 4-H. In return they are awarded trips, recognitions and scholarships based on the merit of their applications. Great practice for life.
Tonight we began Enrollment- kids signing up for the projects they plan to present at the County Fair, and then....State Fair! Big doin's in the country. BIG!
Apparently, a diverse, strong, enthusiastic club attracts new members, and the key to our success(sanity?): delegate.

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