Saturday, March 19, 2011

CMD's located in Ohio.

The very first dark purple shoot of asparagus just pushed its way into the world today. Soon, they will be coming up all up and down the rows of the asparagus garden, and we will be thinking of all sorts of creative ways to use asparagus!
We don't have peas to plant yet, so I will have to go on a pea seed hunt. Last year's pea plants bolted quickly, and it was a fairly unsatisfying as the peas weren't as sweet as we've had in the past. Also, in year's past, the seeds had already been ordered by this time. Hmm. Caught behind the 8 ball, a day late and a dollar short- again! All to the benefit of the local nursery.
Also, tomorrow must find me doing something about the durn poultry. They are intent upon scratching up all the gardens, sending the tender rising shoots of the bulbs flying in a mass of dirt. Creating mini craters in the freshly scratched soil to bathe in and picking at bugs that are just trying their new legs. Chickens of Mass Destruction.
Speaking of destructionists, the sheep have found a new and creative way to escape from the field to the greener grass (yes, on the other side of the fence). This is particularly disturbing, as the truck just came back from the truck doctor, as the wiring beneath the bumper had been destroyed by the sheep itching their backs on the underside of the truck. $700 dollars later, I have a functional electric system for the trailer again, and I'm not anxious to have the sheep out there doing their "thang". They are less itchy now that they're naked again. They were shorn last weekend by the best neighbors in the world. So, now I've got wool. Yes Sir, yes Sir three bags full. Black and white wool. Available for anyone who wishes to do some carding and spinning. I guess I just don't have the time.
What I do have? Emerging asparageese, itchysheep and CMD's.

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