Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Keeping Up Appearances- just call me Hyacinth.

I know this is a special time in my life, when it is full of kids and activity and "doin's". I know, also, that there is an elasticity to time, and a sine curve to what is happening around me. But, honestly! My last blog entry was on Thursday morning. I then mounted a treadmill that had been frozen on "running really fast, in somewhat panicked fashion". Find work schedule blessedly light, can make trip to grocery store and craft supply to get provisions for Eldest's 16th Birthday Party on Saturday. Spend hour confounding workers at Kroger as to why I want dead white roses (for Miss Havisham's Wedding Cake from Great Expectations) and drum stick shaped frozen chicken things (they DO make those? For Dragon Drummies with T-Eragon Fire Sauce from Eragon). 16 book bags, composition notebooks and glitter gel pens. Get tempera paints and brushes and little cups for window painting on Sunday. Go home in a flurry to finish the bookmarks, make name labels for book bags and unload strange assortment of Literary Based Foods. Friend Terry arrives to talk paint colors for her room-in-progress, Friend Scott arrives to save the Birthday Party Literary Trivia Bowl with books on the subject, and Friend Dave arrives to pick up post driver- oops, forgot to get post driver out for Friend Dave to pick up- again. Send Youngest to remedy error (for third day running). Pay friends for coming to see me. Why else would they bother?
Take Eldest back to school to get ready for evening Wind Ensemble Concert, Middlest to Saxophone lesson, whilst driving, work on homework with Youngest. Leave saxophone lesson with Middlest and Youngest, Middlest changing into toga while driving because we are now late for dress rehearsal for Destination Imagination. Arrive at dress rehearsal, watch three other skits while waiting for Middlest's team to be called. Realize you don't have camera. Look around for kindhearted but empty promises from other parents to send you copies of pictures, as they are also WAY too busy to get around to that (but, alas,  not too busy to remember their cameras). Observing dress rehearsal important, as you will not be present at the competition, sending Middlest instead with other family who schedule better. Loudly applaud excellent, creative and funny skit starring Middlest and her three other DI compatriots. Realize it has grown dark, and chickens are out, probably feeding skunks. Leave Middlest and Youngest to the kindness of neighbors to make their way home. Hope concert is going well for Eldest, glad Huz can be there to clap.
Home to do barn chores and count chickens (all present, with unmolested necks). Lament once again to the horses that they are terribly neglected, and yet another day has passed without being ridden. Now, 9 pm, kind neighbor drops off two youngest, Eldest and Huz arrive with sub sandwiches for them all to eat. Have failed as mother in providing nutritious meal in timely manner.
Friday arrives. Panic a bit about what I am hoping to accomplish in the next two days. Get up an hour early in order to plan way through tasks. Three cakes have been baked, need two more. Clean house ( maybe Eldest can do, as this is for her Birthday party? Fantasy.) Write note for Huz to brine turkey (for The Thornbird from book of same name). Cut cooled cakes into book shapes and frost with buttercream icing, (first layer, to be followed by a second layer of buttercream and then rolled fondant to make books) and put in fridge. Realize need to leave for work soon. Have buttercream in hair. Brush out buttercream and utilize headband. Put on professional smile. Blessedly bury self in work. Puppies, old kitties, unwell, vomiting dogs. Leave for home in downpour wishing headlights on old Denty were more affective. Home to mostly sleeping house, Huz making valiant effort to stay awake.
Saturday. Cake. Party. Go. Subject for whole other blog. By clinically insane party planner.
Sunday, up before Augustus, Uglybird, Prettybird and Arthur-itis (our Roosters) to do barn chores and head to north of TBC(The Big City) to have Middlest try out horse. Youngest has fever, leave Huz to arrange ride for Eldest to go to church and teach children's church in my stead. Realize roads are covered with ice, and drive will be nearly twice as long as expected. Enjoy ride. Middlest does nicely on the mare, only downside to mare is she is dead lame. Always.
Leave north of TBC to head back to small town, meet members of 4-H club to paint windows in downtown Circleville for Ohio 4-H Week. 9 kids show up- organized by 4-H president and committee chair, Evan,  and do bang-up-job on filling massive windows in vacant restaurant with 4-H logos.
Realize missed Girl Scout Cookie Booth selling and Birthday Party of dear friend of Youngest. Glad Eldest remembered this and called in regrets to party hosts due to Youngest's fever.
Take home frozen bones. Wish for bath, wish for bath, wish for bath. Get bath.
Hesitantly look at calendar. Still expected to drop off truck and trailer at auto shop for spring fixin'. Decide since trailer lights and breaks are on the fritz, due to sheep itching backs on bottom of truck, will wait for daylight. Also note calendar had expected the sheep to be sheared this weekend, given vaccinations and treated for parasites. Not happening.
Monday- do barn chores. Note still empty trap still stinks like skunk. Drive light-less trailer through downtown C-ville, managing to not get rear-ended. Leave list for Mr. Tobin on what I know needs fixing on truck and trailer. Wait for friend Terry to pick up Youngest (home from school due to fever) and I from Tobin's (it is in the coun'ry). Go to Terry's house to see progress on room (December New Year's Resolution Project). Really becoming a beautiful sanctuary. Dispense advice on paint colors and furniture removal. Bless Terry for trundling us about the coutryside and taking us home. Get crackers for undoubtedly cranky teens about to get off bus and get in car. Get grumpy teens. Feed crackers and Girl Scout Cookies ( that arrived also this week, and are filling up commons room. Not all mine. ) Drive to Animal Shelter to walk dogs for Ohio 4-H week. Slosh trough mud and poop and get walked by bunch of dogs. Take pictures ( did not forget camera this time. Maybe getting better at this?) Leave shelter, drive into town to buy solid color blouse for filming commercial tomorrow. Have 11 minutes to shop as must get kids home in order to come back to town for 4-H committee meeting. Buy $72.00 blouse that does not fit me, but has a collar. Drop of kids. Wave to horses, go to 4-H Committee. Arrive to sleeping house, Huz making valiant effort again to remain upright. Realize have not printed out script for commercial tomorrow. Realize all library books were due today, and wake up kids to get their library cards so I can renew them online and they can avoid fines. Search for overdue book that cannot be renewed. Read script in bath.
Get up early to review script, as cannot remember what commercial is about. Wash hair, try to look pretty. Put on expensive blouse. Spill tea on blouse. Do barn chores, call Youngest in sick to school again, go to work. Foolishly film advert for youtube at work. Nice blouse. Aspirate mass on Tucker, beloved dog, as he is a Golden Retriever and thus prone to cancer.
Drive home. Think that writing about my life in blog will relax me. Feel exhausted.
Realize in an hour Middlest gets home, then must pick up Eldest from Flute lessons, take Middlest to Girl Scouts and run County 4-H Dog workout for Youngest and other Dog Obedience 4-H'ers- simultaneously.

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