Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

Looking back at past March pictures, I found this one of a plate of cookies I created for Easter Sunday at church. It took a while to make dough, refrigerate, roll, cut, bake, cool, edge ice, royal icing fill, and finish with edible glitter. But they were cute, and tasty. The big bunnies were about 8" across in size.  I set them out, with an admonishment to all creatures great and small that they would live forever in woe for even thinking about eating them before Easter Brunch.
Youngest, as usual, couldn't save himself. I ended up taking about four of the large ducks and two of the big white bunnies to church on a smaller plate. What took hours to create, my then seven year old had taken seconds to consume. I am still waiting for a high voltage cake dome to be created. So, if you are a bored MIT student- there is a need.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog won't allow me to use HTML, so I cannot convey my thoughts as clearly as I would like.

    Dear Martha, (strike that.) Cate,


    Your friend,
