Friday, March 18, 2011

Huz and his shadow

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that spring was on the way, "ready or not, here I come!". I was not ready, and am still not ready. Too many things left undone this winter, but, the joy that you feel when the weather starts to warm and the grass begins to green and the bulbs push up through the ground and the buds swell on the end of the forsythia- well, that can't be stopped. And, soon, I'm feeling spring. Preparing to move on, despite all the things left undone. In this area, St. Patrick's day means time to plant the peas. Early spring lettuces and potatoes are up for planting too. To that end, Huz went into the kitchen garden last night to turn the soil and get it ready for the goodstuff. He wasn't alone. His BFF joined him for the task.
 That's right. Henry the Horrible, our resident Dinosaur is in love with my husband. He follows him around, never assaults him and gets very distressed when he drives away, flying along beside the car as far as his wings will take him, then running as fast as his little legs will go, honking loudly, eyes wide. When the really nice weather arrives and we tend to open our doors, I expect we'll be chasing him out of the living room where he'll be hoping to join Huz for the game and a beer.


  1. So many things in common and yet so far apart! I for one, would love to drink a beer and watch the game with Henry the Horrible!! :)
