Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Horse Shuffle

The horse shuffle. It is a game whereby I try to fit 4 horses into a three horse barn without anyone hurting anyone else or breaking anything. It is a game you can only lose.
So, adding another square on the board, Peaches shuffled to Kendra's house (1/2 mile or so down the road) and Samantha moved back in to Cowfeathers after a year + in Dayton.
Then, I get a call from a gal interested in Peaches. So, I rode her back to the farm last greyness (dawn- night is all about the same uniform grey, spitting rain) knowing she would be a bit dirty, and knowing it was going to get dark quickly, with no warning of a sun actually setting. I walked to Kendras, jauntily swinging my stick,  my helmet perched on my head, and rode Peaches home bareback. She is such fun to ride! Smooth and enthusiastic without being spooky. Why am I selling her? I ask for the thousandth time.
 Because 4 is too many. Because my kids have moved on. Because I, despite all sense in the matter, insist on a challenge.
 She groomed up to her pretty self, really Kendra had done a grand job in keeping her clean despite the persistent foot of muck everywhere, and said "goodbye", swiftly this morning.  I'm terrible at goodbyes, and sent her off for a 30 day trial at a new barn where they teach beginner lessons, trail ride and teach special needs, at risk kids the value of friendship with a horse. Peaches' black and white fuzzy bod has decorated this farm for several years now. I will miss her! But, I do hope she will be loved and ridden and enjoyed.


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