Thursday, December 8, 2011

The questionable popularity of velociraptors

  • So, I checked the statistics on this blog. I have had over 16,000 views (whatever that means...I guess you can't tell if anyone actually read an entry). The most curious thing is an entry I wrote quite a while back (January 20, 2011 ) to be exact, has the most hits by FAR of any entry in the blog. It seems to have its own cult following if you will. People from Russia, and France and Brazil check this particular blog entry. In all, to date it has had 1,023 views. That means that the one entry has had 6% of all the views total. The entry in question is one called "Every girl's dream; a velociraptor of my own".
  • I'm not sure what to make of this. Huz mentioned it might be creepy, like a whole bunch of creepers googling "girl's dream" and then checking my blog to see if perhaps they can acquire a velociraptor in order to be the stuff of girl's dreams. Ew, and although acquiring a gander is certainly a possiblity, I don't necessarily recommend it for many, let alone creepers. If you don't know why, check the blog entry. And, I think it won't attract many girls atall, atall.
  • So, I googled "velociraptor" and guessed what popped up? Not my blog. At least not on the first page. But if you add the word "my" or "own", that puts my page right at the tip top. So, this begs the question; how many people google "velociraptor of my own"?  Apparently enough that that one entry has had 156 views this week alone.
  • That goose is a hot commodity!
  • And, no, I don't know why there are bullet points on all my paragraphs. I suspect there is a voodoo computer reason that is rapidly figure-out-able by any of my children. In the meantime, it is bound to confound readers across the globe, and send derision my way over my lack of voodoo knowledge.


  1. I'll say it's rather funny that I ran across your website at all, but I found it as my kids were watching dinosaur train and I heard them saying something about velociraptors. Long story short, I wanted to see what one actually looked like and googled "Velociraptor". Funny thing is, your site is the first one to come up with one that has feathers. All the others look like little T=rex' or something. Anyhoo... just thought that may shed some light on how some of us are getting here. =)

  2. I'll say it's rather funny that I ran across your website at all, but I found it as my kids were watching dinosaur train and I heard them saying something about velociraptors. Long story short, I wanted to see what one actually looked like and googled "Velociraptor". Funny thing is, your site is the first one to come up with one that has feathers. All the others look like little T=rex' or something. Anyhoo... just thought that may shed some light on how some of us are getting here. =)
