Monday, September 20, 2010

Opportunity found

When I was a girl, the Smerges had a fall barn dance. We would get into the station wagon and drive to Wilton, park in a field and walk to the big grey barn. Mrs. Smerge was tall, dark haired and elegant, with more children than anyone else in Connecticut.( I think there were 5!)  I remember laughing and fun, but I remember feeling part of the party. It wasn't a kid party. It wasn't an adult party either. I danced with boys, and it just, was. Not momentous, or a big romantic deal. I think we might have gone twice. I just know it stuck with me.
When we moved to Cowfeathers, I felt compelled to revive the tradition. Here we were, owners of a nearly 200 year old Dutch built German barn. Stout of beam, slate of roof, perfect.
Thus began the barn party. The first year was in honor of my huz' 40th birthday. Great fun, and lots of family and friends travelled from all over to come help us celebrate. Since then, we have mostly friends and neighbors at the barn party, but we get some travellers too. This year our farthest flung attendees came from Germany. Just for the Barn Party. (They also managed to squeeze in a little time to see their daughter- one of my huz' residents. Still, they came for the Barn Party. Really.:-)
Every year, Pete Shew and his Back Porch Swing Band rolls in and sets up in the barn. Every year is a little different. I tell Pete to just bring whomever wants to play- it's always terrific.
Amy and Elizabeth Z. do a little back up vocals for the Back Porch Swing Band
They do some excellent country blues and swing numbers in between getting us squared up and a- dancin'!
The first year they came out, the caller was used to square dancing folks. Who knew what they were doing. He quickly tailored back his expectations, and started back at 5th grade gym instructions. "Okay, there should be 4 couples in your square. Two people make up a couple. One has to be the boy, one has to be the girl. The girl goes to the right of the boy....."  We've gotten better as a group. Just barely. But what has never diminished is the fun!
Or, the food. We always make a large pot of chili, and a few loaves of bread. Then, as the folks walk up the driveway to the barn,  the best food in the world arrives as in pyrex and pie pans- yellow food. Things with lots of cheese and potatoes and pasta, apples and cinnamon and crust.  Pot Luck Food. Yum.
I can easily say that the kids who regularly attend this party are a testament to why they teach square dancing in elementary school. They've got it down while their parents sometimes struggle.
The kids square up and immediately master the Allemande left with the Grand Chain
Eventually, the sun sets- sometimes unbeknownst to us, as it is raining, and the barn doors are closed, but usually in a glorious ribbon of color. This night, it was a bit cloudy, and we had a less striking sunset than usual, but God favored us with a spot of a rainbow, to the right of the mulberry tree.
We danced until the sun had long set, and in the dark, I realized my eldest daughter ( Can I light the candles in the outhouse? Can I ? Can I?) had not done so. Ah, well, I think a few years back I stopped being so much the hostess of the Barn Party, and started just having fun. People still show up, so I suppose the barn, the music,  the food and the paradise setting are enough.
My youngest hanging out with Amelia S.
Special kudos to Woody, showing up in his bibs. That's the spirit!

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