Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Clouds of grey, gitness and pigscald hot baths.

After a few days of winter reprieve, the grey clouds of winter are moving back in. The current weather rock forecast is slightly spitty and windy, but a balmy 30 degrees! Still, those clouds tell me that my weather rock might be disappearing pretty soon. I try not to get sucked in by January thaws. I know they happen, and really, how excited should you really get over 34 degrees and rain, but I can't help it. I start wearing pink, stop wearing long underwear. I think about washing my Carhartts (this, for folks who don't know-LeeLee- is a brand of outerwear, jackets and overalls,  that is made from fierce treated, tight woven cotton duck, insulated, warm and durable. Indispensable for stall cleaning, log moving, pig wrassling, deer cleaning, ditch digging...any freezing winter activity that features dirt, sharp stuff or teeth).

I get on my big monster horse and lament at how fuzzy and out of shape he is, so make plans for conditioning and scrubbing and a Musical Kur (this, for folks who don't know is a dressage test choreographed to music....
I start dreaming up plans; what to do first? Garden? Barn repair? Shave my legs?  Load up the trailer and explore the Hocking Hills State Park on the big black??
Then, the inevitable. The grey clouds roll in, the temperature plummets, the snow falls, the ice builds up and the long underwear and black polartech come back out of the closet. I read on the Internet that "grey" is the way you spell "gray" when you are a pretentious git. I contemplate my gitness.
My optimistic spring dreams become, instead, dreams of hot chocolate- the real kind, with milk, vanilla, sugar and dutch cocoa, pigscald hot baths and crawling into bed early with a good book and a clean dog. Ah, January.


  1. You want the dog (Tucker) to get into the bed?

  2. Silly man. You're supposed to say "Bow- Wow!"

  3. I enjoyed this!
    And the comments ~ Silly Couple!
